Building Deferred Tax Proof Form

Using the forms designer, create the deferred tax proof form using the alternate hierarchies setup.

See also: Creating Alternate Hierarchies in Administering Tax Reporting


Rows: IChildren(TotalDeferredTaxProof)


  • TRCS_BookBVT / [FCCS_Movements].[TRCS_ClosingBVT]
  • TRCS_TaxBVT / [FCCS_Movements].[TRCS_ClosingBVT]
  • [FCCS_Total Data Source].[TRCS_TotalBVT] / [FCCS_Movements].[TRCS_ClosingBVT]
  • TRCS_Tax / FCCS_ClosingBalance
  • Form formula to show the tax rate that is, [D]/[C]

Building Deferred Tax Proof Form

Save the form and you can view it from the Library card.