Configuration and Administration

Configure Business Monitor

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Preferences > Manage Business Monitors.

You can create, edit, or delete any business monitor.

Oracle Transportation Management provides a public business monitor that you can use as a starting point for configuration, called SAMPLE. You can copy the SAMPLE business monitor and edit it for your business. This sample is configured to run queries that display the following results:

  • Shipments Not Reviewed
  • New Order Releases
  • Invoices Not Approved
  • Bulk Plans Finished Today
  • Note: If you use the sample Business Monitor, make sure you edit the appropriate saved queries and record data that makes sense for you. For example, you would need to enter an appropriate date for the Bulk Plans Finished Today saved query.

In order to use a business monitor, you must first enable it.

Creating the Business Monitor

Use this page to configure a business monitor for a specific business object and saved query.

  1. Enter a unique Business Monitor ID for the business monitor.
  2. Enter the (auto) Refresh Interval in minutes. This interval controls how often the active business monitor refreshes the Number of Matching and Number of Previously Matching values on the active Business Monitor pop-up (by running the saved query defined for the business monitor). The values tell you the number of records that match the saved query since the business monitor was launched and the number of previously matching records before the last refresh. The number of previously matching records appears when the Business Monitor refreshes, either manually or automatically. You can manually refresh these values on the Business Monitor page. This auto refresh interval is only used if the glog.webserver.businessMonitor.autoRefresh property is set to True.
  3. Select a domain in which to store the business monitor from the Domain Name drop-down list. Once added, the domain cannot be changed.
  4. Use the Sequence Number field to determine how the rows are arranged from top to bottom on the Business Monitor pop-up by using values such as 1, 2, 3, etc. The Business Monitor pop-up displays each saved query ID and related business object in a separate section in the order of the sequence you define here.
  5. Enter the appropriate Query ID that represents the business object (including Power Data) that you want to monitor.
  6. Enter the Saved Query ID that you want to use to monitor the business object. This is the saved query that gets executed when you launch the Business Monitor or when the refresh interval expires. Make sure you choose a saved query that was created for the business object that you selected in the Query ID field.
  7. Enter a Screen Set ID for the business object (identified by the Query ID) that controls the display attributes of the Results page that appears.

    The Business Monitor page displays the Number of Matching records value as a result of running the saved query for the business object. This value is a link that displays the finder Results page for the business object.
  8. Enter a Workbench Layout ID to associate the saved query with an Enhanced Workbench Layout.
  9. Click Save and repeat the procedure if you want to monitor another business object.
  10. Click Finished.

Enabling the Business Monitor

Once you define a business monitor, you can assign it to a user preference set which can then be accessed by a domain, level, or specific user.

  1. Edit or add a user preference set.
  2. Select Business_Monitor from the list of Names on the user preference.
  3. Select a Business Monitor from the list of values. The values that appear are those saved in your domain or those stored in other domains to which you have access.
  4. Click Save, then Finished.
  5. Make sure the User Preference Set is configured in the Access Manager.
  6. Click the Business Monitor icon on the top frame of the Oracle Transportation Management home page to display the Business Monitor.

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