Business Process Automation

Configuring Dynamic Named Ranges

This process details creating different number ranges for different service providers. In this example, we create ranges for two service providers:

  • Carrier FAST as a four digit number starting at 1000
  • Carrier SLOW as a six-digit number starting at 400000
  1. Navigate to the Business Number Rule page: Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Rule.
  2. Enter the following:
  3. BN Rule: Any unique ID for the rule, such as AUTO_PAY_NUM_DYNAMIC.
  5. Select the Default check box.
  6. Rule Definition: {r*:id=1:xml=SERVPROV}-{p:range=%1}. This substitutes the value of "xml=SERVPROV" as the range ID. The value after % is the ID of the rule segment.

    Note that the Range ID is the XID for the Range. Most XML replacement instructions return an XID, but some return a GID. If the replacement instruction returns a GID, you may need to use a substring argument to skip the domain and period to parse out the XID. For example, if the source location is CORP.ATLANTA_DC, “{r*:id=1:xml=SOURCE:substring=5}-{p:range=%1}” will ensure this rule uses a Range named “ATLANTA_DC”.
  7. BN Generator: Select PICTURE.
  8. Domain Name: The domain in which this business number rule will be active.

Assume we have carriers named FAST and SLOW.

  1. Navigate to the Business Number Named Range page: Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Named Range.
  2. Enter the following:
  3. BN Named Range ID: Enter FAST since this must be the service provider XID.
  4. Recycling Policy: Select Audit and Recycle.
  5. Leave the Use Context for Sequence check box cleared.
  6. Domain Name: The domain in which this business number named range will be active.
  7. Create a business number range with the following information:
    1. BN Range ID: Any ID such as FAST_RANGE.
    2. BN Rule ID: Click the New icon to create a new BN rule ID. Then enter the following:
      1. BN Rule: FAST_RANGE_SEQ.
      2. BN Type: click the New icon to create a new type. Then enter the following:
        1. BN Type: INV_NUM_RANGE_TYPE.
        2. BN Context ID: EMPTY_CONTEXT.
        3. Table Name: INVOICE.
        4. Column Name: INVOICE_NUMBER.
        5. Click Finished.
      3. Default: do not select the check box.
      4. Rule Definition: {nnnn:start=1000}.
      5. BN Generator ID: select PICTURE.
      6. Click Finished.
    3. Click Save for the business number range you just entered.
  8. Click Finished.
  9. Click Create Another and follow the same steps as above with SLOW's information:
  10. BN Named Range ID: Enter SLOW since this must be the service provider XID.
  11. Recycling Policy: Select Audit and Recycle.
  12. Leave the Use Context for Sequence check box cleared.
  13. Create a business number range with the following information:
    1. BN Range ID: Any ID such as SLOW_RANGE.
    2. BN Rule ID: Click the New icon to create a new BN rule ID. Then enter the following:
      1. BN Rule: SLOW_RANGE_SEQ.
      2. Default: do not select the check box.
      3. Rule Definition: {nnnnnn:start=400000}.
      4. BN Type: INV_NUM_RANGE_TYPE.
      5. BN Generator: select PICTURE.
      6. Click Finished.
    3. Click Save for the business number range you just entered.
  14. Click Finished.

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