Business Process Automation

Configuring a Named Range with Recycling

This details configuring a named range with recycled numbers for the Auto-Pay Invoice Number.  The number should be in the format <Six-digit number> and should recycle numbers when an invoice is deleted.  If the range is depleted, the range should close and numbers should be generated in the format <YYYYMMDD>-<four-digit sequence number>.

  1. Navigate to the Business Number Rule page: Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Rule.
  2. On the search screen, set the following values:
    1. Default: Yes.
    3. Domain Name: your domain.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Edit the rule.
  5. Clear the Default check box.
  6. Click Finished.
  7. Click Create Another and enter the following:
    1. BN Rule: Any unique ID, such as AUTOPAY NUM.
    3. BN Generator: select PICTURE.
    4. Select the Default check box.
    5. Rule Definition: {p:range=AUTO_PAY_NUM_RANGE}.
  8. Click Finished.

Next, define a business number named range.

  1. Navigate to the Business Number Rule page: Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Named Range.
  2. Enter the following:
    1. BN Named Range ID: The ID for the named range referenced in the rule (AUTO_PAY_NUM_RANGE).
    2. Select Audit and Recycle in the Recycling Policy drop-down.
    3. Do not select the Use Context for Sequence check box.
    4. Domain Name: Your domain.
  3. Create a Business Number Range with the following information:
    1. BN Range ID: Any ID such as INV_NUM_PRIMARY.
    2. BN Rule ID: Click the New icon to create a new BN rule ID. Then enter the following:
      1. BN Rule: INV_NUM_RANGE_SEQ.
      2. Default: do not select the check box.
      3. Rule Definition: {nnnnnn:start=1}.
      4. BN Type: click the New icon to create a new type. Then enter the following:
        1. BN Type: INV_NUM_RANGE_TYPE.
        2. BN Context ID: EMPTY_CONTEXT.
        3. Table Name: INVOICE.
        4. Column Name: INVOICE_NUMBER.
        5. Click Finished.
      5. BN Generator: select PICTURE.
      6. Click Finished.
    3. Click Save for the business number range you just entered.
  4. Create a new business number range similar to the one above.
    1. BN Range ID: An ID, such as INV_NUM_DEFAULT.
    2. BN Rule ID: Click the New icon to create a new BN rule ID. Then enter the following:
      1. BN Rule: INV_NUM_RANGE_DATE
      2. Default: do not select the check box.
      3. Rule Definition: {dddddddd:id=1}-{nnnn:contexts=1:start=1}.
      4. BN Type: select the one created above (INV_NUM_RANGE_TYPE).
      5. BN Generator: select PICTURE.
      6. Click Finished.
    3. Click Save for the business number range you just entered.
  5. Create a new business number named range event by entering thresholds at which to send warnings:
    1. Description: Enter any description, for example INV_NUM_WARNING.
    2. Warning Level: 1
    3. Warning Threshold: Enter 50 to send a warning when number left in range is less than 50.
    4. Max Warning Events: Enter 3 to indicate the number of warnings after the threshold is surpassed.
    5. Click Save.
  6. Enter contact information which includes Contact, Communicator, Method, and Involved Party Qualifier.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Finished.

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