Business Process Automation

Generating Reference Numbers by Agent Actions

This example details configuring the Business Number Generator and an automation agent to create a reference number on an object. This example also details configuring Oracle Transportation Management to add a shipment reference number to new shipments using the format: <YYYYMMDD>-<four-digit sequence number>. These steps assume that you have already created a reference number qualifier.

  1. Navigate to the Business Number Rule page: Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Rule
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a unique BN Rule, such as "DATE REF".
  4. Create a new BN Type by clicking the New icon. Then on the Business Number Type page:
    1. Enter a BN Type.
    2. Enter "EMPTY_CONTEXT" in the BN Context ID field.
    3. Click Finished and return to the BN Rule page.
  5. Select the Default check box.
  6. Enter the rule definition: {dddddddd:id=1}-{nnnn:contexts=1:start=1}.
  7. Select the BN generator: "PICTURE"
  8. Click Finished.
  9. Navigate to: Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.
  10. Click New.
  11. Enter a unique Agent ID, such as SHIPMENT-GENERATE REFNUM.
  12. Set up agent with an agent type of SHIPMENT.
  13. Set the event to be SHIPMENT -CREATED.
  14. Click Save to save the event.
  15. Click View/Enter Actions.
  16. Click Add Action.
  17. In the Agent Action Selection window, select GENERATE REFNUM from the Action drop-down list.
  18. Select desired reference number qualifier, such as BM.
  19. Select the BN Type created above (DATE REF).

    Note: The BN Type may optionally be left blank and instead specified on the Reference Number Qualifier.

  20. Click Save.
  21. Click Finished.

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