Add Document

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Business Process Automation > Documents > Add Document
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Business Process Automation > Documents > Add Document
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Stops > Actions > Add Document
  • Shipment Management > Location Manager>Actions>Business Process Automation>Documents>Add Document 
  • Order Management > Material Management > Item > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Contract and Rate Management > Service Provider Manager>Actions>Documents>Add Document 
  • Trade Agreements > Campaigns > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Trade Agreements > Campaign Lines > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Customs > Declarations > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Customs > Declaration Lines > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Documents > Add Document
  • Master Data > Item Qualifications > Actions > Documents > Add Document 
  • Master Data > Item Origins > Actions> Add Document 

Note: Manager layout capability is added to this action so that you can customize the input page (i.e. hide some fields, make some fields mandatory, etc.). In the Screen Set Manager, you are provided with the Action options:
Add Document: Select this option to avail the action as a manager layout. This is available by default on the finder actions.
Add Document (Deprecated): Select this action and choose the New Document option in the Create As field to avail the action as a regular web action page. This is available only on the custom screen set.

The Add Document action allows uploading a single document for multiple objects if the document type supports "consolidated" documents. For example, you could upload a single Certificate Of Origin for multiple campaign lines. You can also add new standard or ad hoc documents.

If you run this action against multiple business objects and the selected document type supports "consolidated" documents, all documents will share the same content of a consolidated document. If the consolidated document is uploaded with the same document number, all the objects with that document with the same document number will be affected.

If you run this action against multiple business objects and the selected document type doesn't support "consolidated" documents, individual documents are created for each business object. If the document type selected is a standard document for the business object, then the document uploaded will be created as a Standard Document. Otherwise, it will be created as an Additional Document.

While performing the action, the document type selected should be a Standard Document or Additional Document for all the objects selected. It cannot be a Standard Document for a few objects and also be an Additional Document for remaining objects.

Note: The Attach Document action should be used only for individual documents.

Perform the following steps to upload a document:

  1. Select a Document Type. If you select a document type that has the "consolidated" setting selected, a consolidated document is created.
  2. Enter an Effective Date and Expiration Date.
  3. If the New Revision check box is selected, a new revision for the document is added and if it is not selected the latest revision of the document is updated. For a consolidated document, when New Revision is selected and there already is a consolidated document with the same document number, the system creates a new revision with the Context Qualifier of “Document Revision”, incremented by 1. If New Revision is not selected and there already is a consolidated document with the same document number, the system updates the document content with the latest revision of the consolidated document.  If no document has the same document number, a new revision is created with the context qualifier “Document Number” as 1.
  4. Enter an Annotation.
  5. Enter a Document Number. The Document Number field is displayed only when the document type has "Consolidated" selected. The document number is added as a context qualifier for a consolidated document. 
    The optional feature "DOCUMENT NUMBER OPTIONAL FOR CONSOLIDATED DOCUMENT" is used to make the document number non-mandatory while adding or generating a consolidated document. When the feature is opted in, providing a document number is optional for consolidated documents. When the feature is opted out, providing a document number is mandatory while adding or generating a consolidated document.
  6. In the Document File field, browse and select the document file you want to add.
  7. Select the Content Management System.
  8. Click Upload.

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