Shipment Management

Spot Bid Spot Rate

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Spot Bid Tender > Spot Bid Tender Response > Spot Bid Spot Rate.

Use this page to enter a bid with a spot rate instead of a flat rate. This spot rate will be based on any one of the shipment parameters such as weight, volume, and so on.

Note: You can use the Spot Bid manager layout to customize the layout for the spot rates.

Spot rates will be converted to rate records when the spot bid is awarded with this rate. 


  • If cost is provided, respective basis is required.
  •  Cost is required if basis, unit count, or unit count type is provided.
  • Based on Basis selected, Unit Count or Unit Count Type is required. 

Adding a Spot Bid Spot Rate

  1. Select the offering ID from the Spot Rate Offering ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a name in Spot Rate Name.
  3. Enter the amount in Cost. Cost is required if basis, unit count, or unit count type is provided.
  4. Select basis from the Basis drop-down list. 
  5. Enter the required number of units in the Unit Count and select the type from the Unit Count Type drop-down list. Unit Count or Unit Count Type is required.

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