Landed Cost

Unit of Measure Conversion Factor on Item

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item
  • Classification > Items
  • Master Data > Items

You can classify items and assign the relevant product classification code to the item. The third party content provider can send up to 5 duty tax UOMs with every product classification code downloaded. You can define the conversion factor for converting the quantity present in GTM to the quantities in the 5 duty tax UOMs as required by the data provider.

You can define an item-specific conversion factor on the Trade Item manager. For example, suppose you import 100 dozen of apples but the tax is on kilogram weight of the apples imported. Here you can enter the 100 dozen apples imported as quantity on trade transaction, define a conversion factor from dozen to kilogram on item apple. Then you can perform the Convert UOMs action to transform the dozens of apples imported to kilogram weight and send it to the data provider.

You can also define global conversion factors in the UOMMAP table. For example, you use LB as UOM for pound weight in GTM, but the data provider needs the kilogram weight quantities in KGS (KG). You can handle this situation by defining the conversion factor from KG to KGS as 1 in public UOMMAP table.

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