Item Manager: Header

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item
  • Classification > Items
  • Master Data > Items

Items are things that you manufacture and sell such as chemicals, finished goods, raw materials, and parts. You can create an inventory of items that you typically ship from one destination to another. Once items are defined, they can be used on orders based on bulk data or any order base or order release. An item is the lowest level of detail that you can describe on an order. It identifies the specific goods or materials that you are shipping.

You can create an item by adding each item individually, or you can import your entire item master from an external system via integration. Once the item is imported, you can make modifications to the data or add new items as necessary. You can also create a packaged item and specify details on how the item is packaged and handled so it can be stored and transported properly.

Adding an Item

  1. Enter an Item ID. The item ID uniquely identifies the item. You also use this item ID to assign an item to an order.
  2. Enter an Item Name as additional information for the item.
  3. Enter an Item Type for the item you are creating.
  4. Enter an Effective Date and an Expiration Date. The effective and expiration dates are used to create a time window for when an item can be used on orders.
  5. For informational purposes, you can enter the Brand Name of the item.
  6. If this will be an item template, select the Template check box.
  7. The  Item Template ID is a read only field and will indicate the last item template applied to this item.
  8. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.
  9. Enter a Description for the item.


Use this section to add item descriptions. You can add those descriptions in a variety of languages.

  1. Enter the language ID for the item in the Language ID field.
  2. Enter a description for the item in the Description field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Finished  or click Transport Details to move to the next tab.

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