Order Management

Item Manager: Transport Details

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Transport Details tab.
  • Classification > Trade Items. Click the Transport Details tab.
  • Master Data > Trade Items. Click the Transport Details tab.

Use this tab to define transport details of an item.

Note: The following fields can be used to classify the item as a commodity or any of the listed industry classifications. Below are your options and links to their detailed descriptions.

  1. Priority: There are multiple levels where Priority can be defined for an item to be used in equipment packing. This works in the following hierarchy: Ship unit (highest precedence), THU, Packaged Item (if multiple packaged items exist for a single ship unit, the one with the greater load configuration rank associated is considered) and finally, Item (lowest precedence). If the ship unit level priority is not defined, then the ship unit takes the priority defined on order. The priority used in equipment packing (derived from this hierarchy) is persisted on the shipment ship unit. This helps in understanding what priority is used when analyzing the shipments. These parameters need to be on to use ship unit level priorities: USE PRIORITY IN CONOPT SORTING and PRIORITY IN USE.
  2. Enter a Commodity ID.
  3. Enter a User Defined Commodity ID.

    Enter a User Defined Commodity List ID.

    Note: Do not populate both the User Define Commodity ID field and the User Defined Commodity List ID field. Only one of the two should be used, otherwise rates may be deemed invalid if you have any conflicts between the two fields.

  4. Enter an NMFC Article ID.
  5. Enter an NMFC Class ID.
  6. Enter an STCC ID.

Click Finished  or click Package Items to move to the next tab.

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