Order Management

Item Manager: Trade Values

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Trade Values tab.
  • Classification > Trade Items. Click the Trade Values tab.
  • Master Data > Items. Click the Trade Values tab.

Use this tab to define trade values that will be used to determine if an item qualifies for a trade agreement.

Click Add Trade Value to add item trade values.

Click Finished  or click Remarks to move to the next tab.

Also see Item Qualification.

Adding a Trade Value

  1. Enter the sequence in which this trade value is to be considered in the Sequence Number field.
  2. Enter the required contact details in the Inventory Organization field.
  3. Enter a unique identifier of the partner in the Partner field. This partner ID is the same as the Party ID in GTM and the Contact ID in OTM.
  4. Enter an unique identifier for the party site in the Partner Site field.
  5. Enter an ID in the Packaged Item field.
  6. In the Values section, do the following to add value qualifiers:
    1. Select a value qualifier from the Value Qualifier ID drop-down list.
    2. Enter a value in the Value field and select a currency from the corresponding drop-down list.
    3. Select an exchange rate from the Exchange Rate ID drop-down list.
    4. Select the date from Exchange Rate Date.
    5. Click Save.
  7. Click Save.

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