Order Management

Item Manager: Trade Details

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Trade Details tab.
  • Classification > Trade Items. Click the Trade Details tab.
  • Master Data > Items. Click the Trade Details tab.

Use this tab to define trade details.

Note: The Product Classification Template ID field will indicate the last product classification template applied to this item.

  1. Enter Default Country of Origin of the item you are creating.
  2. Select an option from the Wholly Obtained drop-down list to specify whether the item wholly originates from a region/country. If no structure is defined on an item, this value will be used when performing the action Qualify for Trade Agreement.

Product Classification

"ITEM CLASSIFICATION - CLASSIFICATION MODIFIED" will be triggered when there is any type of change to item classification as a whole (create/modify/remove) or to an individual field.

Note: The event "ITEM CLASSIFICATION - CLASSIFICATION ADDED REMOVED" is deprecated. Instead use the event "ITEM CLASSIFICATION - CLASSIFICATION MODIFIED" for recording modification of an item classification in the Audit Trail.

"ITEM CLASSIFICATION – CLASSIFICATION CREATED" will be triggered when a user adds a new product classification to an item.

Click Add Product Classification to classify the selected item. For details, see Item Classifications.


Note: This section will be visible when the property gtm.legacyItemSupplierOrigin.display is set to true.

Use this section to add country of origin and supplier information. Since items can originate from more than one country, you can add multiple line items when appropriate.

  1. Enter an ID in the Party ID field.
  2. Enter an ID in the Country of Origin ID field.
  3. Enter an ID in the Country of Manufacture ID field.
  4. Enter the part number in the Supplier Part Number field.
  5. Enter the description in the Description field.
  6. If this is the default country, select the Default check box.
  7. Click Save.

Item UOM Conversions

Use this section to record conversion rate information for the item's unit of measurement.

  1. Select the current unit of measurement from the From UOM drop-down list.
  2. Select the unit of measurement that you wish to convert to from the To UOM drop-down list.
  3. Enter a value in the Conversion Rate field.
  4. Click Save.

Item Origins

Click Add Item Origin to add item origin details.

Click Finished  or click Trade Values to move to the next tab.

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