Item Manager: Documents

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Documents tab.
  • Classification > Trade Items. Click the Documents tab.
  • Master Data > Trade Items. Click the Documents tab.

This tab displays documents that are attached to the item - either by the Attach Document action or through integration.

Note: The data entered in this tab is informational and is not used in shipment planning or other functions.

Text Templates

A Text Template is a predefined, formatted selection of text that is identified by a GTM item. Use text templates to attach a short paragraph of text to a document, XML transmission, or notification (via XSL stylesheet).

  1. Select a template in the Text Template ID field.
  2. Select a document type in the Document Type field.
  3. If you want to override the selected text template, and overriding is allowed, enter your text in the Text field.
  4. If you want this text to replace what is in the document, and the template has been classified as Modifiable, click Override All.
  5. Click Save.

Additional Documents

This section displays document uploads and reports directly associated with the items by a user or through integration.

Use the icons to interact with additional documents.

  • Actions (Actions icon): Launches the Document Actions page.
  • View (View icon): Views the content of the latest document revision in a popup.

Click Finished.

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