Master Data

Entry Exit Profiles

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Trade Incentive Program > Entry Exit Profiles.

Use this page to add profiles for products as they enter/exit a trade incentive program inventory

Creating an Entry Exit Profile

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Entry Exit Profile ID field. You will use this ID when you refer to this entry exit profile on other pages.
  2. Enter the name of the profile in the Name field.
  3. Select a domain in which this profile will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. If desired, enter additional information about the entry exit profile in the Description field.
  5. Select an option from the Profile Type drop-down list to indicate whether this profile is for a procedure or for any other purpose.
  6. Enter a profile ID in the Transaction Type Profile field.
    Note: This field is reserved for future use.
  7. Enter an ID indicating the transaction type associated with this profile in the Transaction Type ID field.
    Note: This field is reserved for future use.
  8. Enter a profile ID in the Declaration Type Profile field.
  9. Enter an ID indicating the declaration type associated with this profile in the Declaration Type ID field.
  10. Enter an ID in the Declaration Sub Type ID field.


Use this section to add customs procedures to an entry exit profile.

Adding a Procedure:

  1. Enter an ID in the Procedure field to associate it with the profile.
  2. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to record reference numbers that apply to this entry exit profile. 

Adding a Reference Number:

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.


Use this section to add as many remarks as you require.

Adding a Remark:

  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks in the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.

User-defined Code

Use this section to add user-defined codes to the entry exit profile.

Adding a User-defined Code:

  1. Select a user-defined code category from the Category drop-down list.
  2. Select a user-defined code type from the Type ID drop-down list.

    Note: The available options are determined by your choice of category in the previous step.

  3. Select a user-defined code value from the Type Code drop-down list.

    Note: The available options are determined by your choice of type in the previous step. For ease of understanding, this drop-down list displays description of the user-defined code values instead of only the codes.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Finished.

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