Master Data

License Codes

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Licenses and Registrations > License Codes.

Use this page to create, view, and edit license codes. A license code is one of the criteria used to determine if a license line should be assigned to a transaction line.

Adding a License Code

  1. Enter the code of the license in the License Code field.
  2. Enter the type of license in the License Type field.
  3. Enter a name for the license code in the License Code Name field.
  4. If desired, enter additional information about the license code in the Description field.  
  5. Select an option from the Limiting Factor drop-down list. The choices are Quantity, Value, and Quantity and Value.
  6. Select the domain in which this code will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.

Balance Method Details

License codes are used in the license determination process to ensure that proper licenses are applied to selected transactions. Use this section to configure the method to filter appropriate license that could be assigned based on constraints and qualifiers. You can also configure criteria to calculate reservation or assignment of a license line for a transaction line.

If you plan to filter based on the user-defined type codes, it is important to make sure those codes are added here.

Determining a Method:

  1. Click New.
  2. Select a type of trade transaction from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
    Select a user-defined code category from the User-Defined Category drop-down list.
    1. Select a type from the User-Defined Type drop-down list. The options available are determined by your choice of category in the previous step.
    2. Select a code from the User-Defined Code drop-down list. The available options are determined by your choice of type in the previous step. For easy understanding of the user, this drop-down list displays description of the user-defined code values instead of only the codes.
  1. Select a qualifier from the Date Qualifier drop-down list if the date of the transaction or transaction line affects the license. The dates on the transaction/transaction line are compared to the effective/expiration date on the license to determine if the license can be assigned.
  2. Select a qualifier from the Quantity Qualifier drop-down list. The transaction line quantity for the selected quantity qualifier will be checked against the license for reservation or assignment.
  3. Select a qualifier from the Value Qualifier drop-down list. The transaction line value for the selected value qualifier will be checked against the license for reservation or assignment.
  4. Select an option from the Balance Type drop-down list. The options are:
    • Assignment: Select this option to actually assign a license line to a transaction type (e.g. a shipment/delivery/fulfillment order).
    • Reservation: Select this option to reserve a license line for a transaction type (e.g. a sales order) for later use.
  1. Select an option from the Quantity Balance Method drop-down list.
  2. Select an option from the Value Balance Method drop-down list.
  3. Enter an ID in the Constraint Set field.
  4. Select an option from the License Line Type drop-down list. Your selection will determine whether the license code will be used for import or export purposes.
  5. Enter a saved query in the Transaction Line Saved Query field to specify a transaction line to which the license can be assigned.
  6. Click Save after adding each line of information.
  7. Click Finished.

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