Create/Add to Existing Declarations

This page is accessed via:

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Manage Declarations > Create/Add to Existing Declarations
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction  Lines > Actions > Manage Declarations > Create/Add to Existing Declarations
  • Customs > Declarations > Actions > Manage Declarations > Create/Add to Existing Declarations
  • Customs > Declaration Lines > Actions > Manage Declarations > Create/Add to Existing Declarations

This action enables you to consolidate and then aggregate transaction lines into declarations, based on a selected declaration type and  logic configuration. When you run the action, transaction lines with similar characteristics are grouped together and aggregated into a declaration that you can use for customs filing.

Also, when you run this action, data is copied from the source object to the target object, based on your data copy configurations on the logic configuration page.

Note: If no aggregation and data configuration criteria are provided in logic configuration then, by default, complete data from a transaction line is copied to the respective declaration line.
However, if aggregation criteria are provided and data configuration criteria are not, then data from a transaction line is not copied while creating a declaration.

You can use this action to create a new declaration from an existing declaration or declaration lines. You can also use this action to add more transactions or transaction lines to an existing declaration without having to create a new one.

You can either create declarations by using the total quantity available for all the transaction lines together; or you can use partial quantities for selected transaction lines to create declarations for customs filing.

Creating/Adding a Declaration

  1. Enter an ID in the Declaration Type ID field to assign a declaration type to the declaration created.
  2. Select an ID from the Declaration Sub Type ID drop-down list.
  3. Select an ID from the Procedure ID drop-down list.
  4. Select an ID from the Prior Procedure ID drop-down list.
  5. Select an ID from the Procedure Detail ID drop-down list.

Note: The options available in the Declaration Sub Type ID, Procedure ID, and Procedure Detail ID drop-down lists are determined by the declaration type you entered previously.

  1. Enter an ID in the Logic Configuration field.

Note: When you enter a declaration type, the logic configuration associated with it is automatically selected in this field. You can either use this logic configuration, or enter other logic configuration of your choice.

  1. Select an option from the Quantity selection section. The options are:
    • Full: Select this option to create declaration using the total quantity of the transactions lines.
    • Partial: Select this option to create declaration using a part of the quantities available for the transactions lines.
  1. Select the Add to Existing Declarations check box if you want to add the selected transactions/lines to an existing declaration.

Note: You must define a date (DATES) constraint for a grouping constraint set (constraint set type = DECLARATION-LINE GROUPING) to add transactions or transaction lines to existing declarations.

  1. Click Create/Add.
  2. If you select the 'Full' option in the previous step, after clicking Create/Add you can view the declarations created using the total available quantity.
  3. If you select the 'Partial' option in the previous step, after clicking Create/Add a list of the transaction lines and their corresponding available quantities will be displayed.

Note: By default, the number of transaction lines displayed on each page is 25. However, you can configure this number using the parameter 'PAGINATION SIZE FOR PARTIAL SELECTION' on the logic configuration window.

    1. All the check boxes are selected by default. If desired, you can clear the check box corresponding to the transaction line that you want to exclude from the declaration.
    2. Modify the quantity of each transaction line in the Selected Quantity field.
    3. Click Finish. You can view the declarations created using partial quantities.
  1. Click the Criteria button to view the details - like declaration type and sub type, procedure and procedure detail, and logic configuration - used to create the declaration.

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