Look Up Product Classification

This page is accessed via

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Compliance > Look Up Product Classification
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Compliance > Look Up Product Classification
  • Customs > Declarations > Actions > Compliance > Look Up Product Classification
  • Customs > Declaration Lines > Actions > Compliance > Look Up Product Classification

Use this action to look up product classification data on an item or items associated with a selected transaction/declaration and then copy that information over to the transaction/declaration and display it in the Product Classification grid on the Transaction Line/Declaration Line manager.

When you run this action, based on your service preferences, product classification types required on a transaction line/declaration line will be populated in the Required Classification grid.

Note: This action is also available as an agent action for GTM Transaction and GTM Transaction Line events.

Note: The Trade Transaction Line Item(s) come(s) directly from the OTM transaction's item - not the OTM line item or packaged item.

Enter an ID in the Service Preference ID field.

Item Classification Status

If required, select any applicable statuses. By selecting one of the statuses, you can determine which product classification is copied. The statuses include:

  • Created: Select this check box if the item and classification have already been associated with each other.
  • Approved: Select this check box if the item and classification are already associated and approved.

Classification Override

  1. Select the Override Current Line Classifications check box if you wish to override all existing item classifications with the classification mentioned in the lookup action.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. The Results page loads and displays the classification details for each transaction/declaration line for the selected product classification.

    Note: If you select a product classification type which already exists on a transaction line and the override option is not selected, you will see a message stating that certain classifications were not saved to avoid duplication.

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