Order Management

Release Ship Units

This page is accessed via Order Base Ship Unit actions (accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Ship Unit).

Use this action to create a release instruction (and subsequently an Order Release) for any ship unit on an order. The Order Release can then be used to plan a shipment.

When you perform this action, a list of ship units defined on the order appears with the following attributes:

  • Ship Unit is the ID you supplied for the ship unit when the order was created. The ID could also have been generated by the Business Number Generator.
  • Ship Unit Specification describes the type of ship unit; for example, a pallet, box, etc.
  • Source/Destination Location
  • Number Ship Unit(s) is the ordered ship unit count.
  • Release Count is the number of ship units that were previously released.
  • Quantity Remaining is the difference between the ordered ship unit count and the released count. This can be a negative number if you allow Over-Releasing for the order.
  • Gross Weight/Volume per Ship Unit

View Existing Release Instructions

Click Release at the end of any Ship Unit row to display the existing release instructions for a ship unit, if applicable. The following attributes appear:

  • Release Number is a sequential number that is automatically assigned to a release instruction.
  • Amount is the Number Ship Units that were released.
  • Source/Destination Location
  • Release Date is the date the release occurred. You can specify a date on a release instruction to control when a ship unit is released.
  • Pick/Delivery Dates are those specified on the ship unit.
  • Processed icon identifies whether an order release was successfully created from a release instruction (icon with check mark means successfully processed). Release instructions are processed when you complete the Release Ship Unit action. When you create a new Release Instruction described below, this page re-appears after it is recorded. The Processed icon is set to unprocessed and you can edit or delete that Release Instruction. However, once the Release Instruction is completely saved, you cannot delete or edit it.

Create Ship Unit Release Instruction

  1. Click New Release Instruction and complete the Release Instruction page. Repeat this step to add as many release instructions as you need. You can also edit or delete a Release Instruction at this time since they are not processed. However, you cannot modify or delete a release instruction once it is saved.
  2. Click OK to display the Ship Unit list page again. You can record additional Release Instructions for any ship unit listed. Release instructions adhere to the sample bundling rules are ship units. Therefore the sequence in which you record them will determine how order releases are created. For example, if you create one release instruction for one ship unit, Oracle Transportation Management creates one order release. However, if you create release instructions for several ship units, Oracle Transportation Management tries to bundle the compatible ship units on one release based on bundling rules. In cases when ship units are incompatible (for example, different Source/Destination Locations), Oracle Transportation Management creates separate order releases as needed for each ship unit.
  3. Click Finished to create the appropriate order release(s) based on the release instructions that you entered (unless you specified a Release Date for the release instruction that has not occurred).

The Order Release(s) that are created appear with the following attributes:

  • Order Release ID identifies the new order release that was created.
  • Total Weight/Volume for all ship units on the order release.
  • Source/Destination Location and City
Click the Order Release ID to view the details, edit the order release , or perform Order Release actions.

Other Releasing Actions

The following Release Actions are also available for releasing ship units. You can run these actions from the Order Base Ship Unit Manager.

Ship Unit Release Status

As you create release instructions for a ship unit, status values for the Status Type SHIP UNIT RELEASE STATUS are assigned.

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