Order Management

Release Instruction

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base. Then click the Ship Unit tab or the Line Item tab. Then click the New Ship Unit link or New Line Item button. Then click the New Release Instruction button.
  • Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Line. Then click on the New Release Instruction button.
  • Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Ship Unit. Then click the New Release Instruction button.

Use this page to create a release instruction for either a line item or ship unit. Oracle Transportation Management assigns a sequential release number for tracking purposes.

The property glog.order.maxInstructions indicates the number of release instructions that can be processed at one time.

Release Line Items

Note: The specified group overrides the Ship With Group information recorded on the order base. Ship With Group functionality acts as an order planning constraint to prevent orders in a given bulk plan with non-identical Ship with Group ID's from bundling into shipments. A value of 'null' (default value) will bundle with all other orders with a value of 'null' but will not be considered a bundling candidate for an order with the Ship with Group field populated with any value. Similarly, multiple orders, in the same bulk plan with identical Ship with Group ID's will be considered candidates for consolidation, while other orders in that same bulk plan with dissimilar Ship with Group ID's will not.

  1. Enter a Release Number.
  2. In the Release Instruction field, select one of the following:
    • Unit Amount: unit amount to release.
    • Weight Amount: amount of weight to release.
    • Volume Amount: amount of volume to release.

    Note: Depending on how you access the Release Instruction window you may not have a Release Instruction field.

  3. Enter a value in the Unit Amount field.
  4. Select the Flagged for Delete check box if you have created an agent to delete release instructions and if you want this release instruction deleted by such an agent.
  5. Select the Allow Releasing check box to allow the release instruction to release the quantities you specify.
  6. You can override the Source/Destination Locations if you do not want to use the original locations.
  7. On an order base ship unit, select a Transport Handling Unit (THU) from the drop-down list.
  8. If the release will be shipping with a group, enter the name of the group in the Ship With Group field.
  9. You can override the Early/Late Pickup Dates and the Early/Late Delivery Dates if you do not want to use the original dates. These dates are used to generate the order release.
  10. Enter a Release Date to control when the order release is created for the release instruction. If you leave this field blank, Oracle Transportation Management automatically creates an order release after the release instruction is saved. Enter a date/time to specify exactly when the order release is created.

    Note: Oracle Transportation Management only creates the order release on the date/time that you specify if the Order Release process is run from the process manager on the date/time that you entered. You can configure the order release process to run on a specific schedule to ensure that the order releases are created.

  11. Edit the Total Weight and Total Volume if necessary. These fields are only visible if the following parameter is set to True: ORDER BASE COPY TOTAL WEIGHT VOLUME. If the parameter is set to True and these values are populated on the line, the values are copied to the release instruction.
  12. On an order base ship unit, enter the Length, Width, and Height per Ship Unit.
  13. On an order base ship unit, enter the Gross Weight and Volume per Ship Unit.
  14. On an order base line, enter tag information if desired.
  15. Click Save. You can edit the release instruction or remove it since it is in an unprocessed state. However, you cannot edit or delete a release instruction once it is processed.

    Note: If you exit the order base and return to this section of the page, notice the check mark icon in the Processed column next to the release instruction that you entered. This icon indicates that the release instruction was processed and successfully created an order release(s).

  16. Click Save again to return to the Ship Unit or Line Item Summary page. Repeat this procedure to create additional release instructions.
  17. Click Finished to save the order and process the release instruction. The appropriate Order Releases are created based on the release instruction content and bundling rules mentioned below. You can search, modify, or create shipments for the order release using the Modify Order Release option in the Order Manager.

    Note: Oracle Transportation Management automatically creates the order release with an ID that has the Order Base ID as a prefix, followed by a sequence number. For example, if the Order Base ID is NEWORDER the Order Release ID would be NEWORDER-001 if this is the first release for the order. The format for Order Release IDs is controlled by the business number generator.

Release Ship Units

Many of the fields on release instructions for ship units are the same as for line items. The duplicate fields are detailed in the previous section and are not included here.

  1. Since ship units can only be released by a ship unit amount or Number Ship Unit(s), enter a value to release in the Unit Amount field.
  2. Enter the dimensions of the ship units, such as the length per ship unit, width per ship unit, and height per ship unit.
  3. Enter the gross weight and gross volume per ship unit.

Order Bundling

If the order base contains multiple release instructions for ship units/line items that you want grouped on one order release, repeat steps 1 through 5 above for each line item or ship unit before finishing the order. Then follow step 7 when you are ready to create one or more order releases. Oracle Transportation Management bundles ship units/line items by compatibility of specific ship unit/line item data. The following ship unit/line item bundling rules apply:

  • Ship Units/Line items have overlapping pickup/delivery time windows

If the ship units/line items have no pickup or delivery dates defined, they are bundled on one order release. If they have different pick and delivery dates, Oracle Transportation Management creates a time window based on the overlap of each objects early pickup date, the late pickup date, the early delivery date, and the late deliver date. Any object that falls within this overlap will be bundled on the same order release.

  • Ship Units/Line items have identical shipping modes
  • Line items have overlapping equipment types (as defined on the item in Material Manager)
  • Line items have overlapping temperature restrictions (as defined on the item master in Material Manager)
  • Commodities must be compatible (as defined on the item master in Material Manager)


Use this section to enter any remarks associated with this release instruction.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to enter any reference numbers associated with this release instruction.

Related Topics

Order Base