Order Management

Order Base Status

The Status Type and Value fields display the current state of an order base. Default Status Types and Values are automatically assigned when the order base is created.

External Status Types and Values associated with the order base are also populated from information created in Power Data. Every new order base is assigned the following status types:

  • CREDIT APPROVAL: Determines whether the order can be released based on the credit status of the location associated with the Involved Party Bill To contact (on the order base).
  • Note: This status assignment is configured as part of the Credit Release and Credit Update Agents. You can also change the status value assignment for this Status Type using the Change External Status action.

  • OB_HD_LOAD_STATUS: This is used for Transportation Intelligence only. It determines if the ETL process should extract this data and load these objects and all related data to the HDOWNER schema for Transportation Intelligence (TI) (See Data Flow to TI). The status is not ready to load when the order base is created. If you have an active agent, once the status is changed to ready to load, the ETL process will run.
  • ORDER BASE GUARANTEED DELIVERY: Guaranteed Delivery is a special type of notification where the receiver sends a response back to the sender indicating whether the received message can or has been processed. (Reserved for future use.)  
  • ORDER BASE MODIFIED: Tracks manual acknowledgement of order base changes that are made using the TransOrder interface (only). This status does not apply for manual order modifications made using the Order Manager data entry pages.
  • Note: These status assignments are configured as part of the Order Mod Workflow Agent.

  • RELEASE_WINDOW: Controls when order releases can be created for an order and is determined by the Effective/Expiration Dates that you can record in the Scheduling section of the first Order Base page.
  • RELEASE CONTROL: Controls releasing of an order base (both line items and ship units). The ALLOW_RELEASING status value indicates that release instructions for an order base can be processed and order releases can be created. When an order base is assigned this value, all release instructions that were recorded prior to its assignment are automatically processed after you edit and save the order base (if the Release Window is valid). A new order base is automatically assigned this value after it is created. The HOLD_RELEASING status prevents the processing of any release instructions and the creation of order releases from the order base. This status could result when an order contains a packaged item that is out of date based on the packaged item effective and expiration dates and the early pickup date on the order.

You can define which statuses are displayed for each user by creating a status type filter and then using Manage User Access to associate the User Access Type of Status Type Filter with a particular user. When you have done so, a small arrow appears near the top of the Status window. Clicking the arrow displays all of the statuses, not just the ones displayed by the filter. Bold statuses are ones that appear in the filter, and regular ones are statuses hidden by the filter.

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