Shipment Management

Map Shipments

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Map > Map Shipments

Note: The use of advanced layouts has been deprecated as of the 6.4.3 release. This Map Shipments action now uses a workbench layout and works as described in this topic.

Note: The Map Related Shipments action has been deprecated as of the 6.4.3 release and is no longer available on the default menus.

  Order Management > Order Release > Order Release or Order Release With Stops > Actions >
  Order Management > Map > Map Related Shipments

  Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > Freight Forwarding > Actions > Map > Map Related Shipments

Use the Map Order Releases action instead. See the Map Order Releases help topic for instructions on mapping related shipments.

Note: To create a new workbench layout for the Map Shipments action, refer to Setting up a Layout for use with an OTM Action.

This page graphically displays one or more shipments (as many as you like) and related shipments on a map based on the shipments that you selected on the Shipment Results page.

The format of this page is that of a workbench. See the Using a Workbench Table and Using a Workbench Map topics for details on interacting with a workbench layout.

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