Configuration and Administration

Using an Enhanced Workbench Map

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench. Select an existing layout. The Workbench Layout list will show both enhanced and legacy layout IDs. The legacy layout IDs are marked with an asterisk. While these layouts can be viewed in the Enhanced Workbench, they cannot be edited. Any legacy layouts that you view in the Enhanced Workbench uses all of the enhanced layout icons. You can convert legacy layouts to enhanced layouts using the Workbench Manager actions.

After you design layouts for a workbench, you can use the workbench by selecting the layout from the drop down list. Or, you can add the Layout ID as a menu item to either the Navigator and/or the Springboard.

Icons and Buttons

  • Lock View icon (Lock/Unlock View): By default, the lock icon is shown as open (Lock View icon). When you click the lock icon to lock a map, the icon is shown as closed (Unlock View icon). Click the Lock View icon to lock that map and keep the currently items on the map; then, if you click another object such as a shipment or order release on the table the displayed map does not change. This is useful when you have two maps, because you add a shipment to the map and then lock that map. With one map locked, you can add a second shipment to the second map. When a map is locked it will not listen to any events from the Workbench table, but it can act upon the existing objects that is already on the map.
  • Map Parameters icon (Map Parameters): Click this icon to open a hovering popup window that shows the display and configuration options for the map. Parameters allow you to control the look and feel of the lines, markers, etc. that appear on the map. See Map Parameters below for more detail.
  • Controls icon (Controls): Click this to see a list of vendor-specific controls that you can add to the map. The list of controls varies depending on the map vendor selected. Select a control from the list to display it on the map. Select the control a second time to remove it from the map. See Controls below for more detail.
  • Lock Zoom Level icon (Lock/Unlock Zoom Level): By default, the Lock Zoom Level icon is shown as unlocked (Lock Zoom Level icon). Click the Lock Zoom Level icon to lock that map's zoom level and maintain the current zoom view of the map. For example, if you select shipment A which starts and ends on the west coast of the US and you click the Lock Zoom Level icon, the map will stay zoomed into that shipment. Next, if you select a second shipment, shipment B which starts and ends on the east coast of the US, the map will not redraw to show that shipment. Instead the map zoom will remain on shipment A which starts and ends on the west coast of the US. If you manually zoom in or out using the mouse or map controls, the zoom level icon is automatically unlocked.
  • Show/Hide Details Hover icon (Show/Hide Details Hover): Click this to activate/deactivate a hovering popup window that displays details about the object over which the mouse pointer is hovering on the map. You can move the popup by dragging the header. You can configure which fields appear in the hovering popup window via the Hover Screen Sets section on the Add/Edit Content dialog box.

Note: If you hover on a shipment line, you get entire shipment and shipment stop details. If you hover on a stop marker, you see details specific to that stop.

Note: If you hover over a rail shipment stop marker, you see the entire shipment and shipment stop details. For ALK only.

  • Show Driving Directions icon (Show Driving Directions): Select a single shipment on the map and click Show Driving Directions to see a popup containing driving directions. In addition to the driving directions, you see distance to be driven, approximate time required, and the OTM location information with the shipment stop number.
    • For all map providers, the external distance engine parameters used when rating the shipment are also used when retrieving driving directions. If the External Distance Engine ID specified on the rate distance matches the map provider setup on the Workbench then this action uses the external distance engine values to get the driving directions. If the external distance engine does not match or no external distance engine was used when rating that shipment, then the corresponding Workbench map provider's default EDE logic configuration is used.
  • Refresh All icon (Refresh All): Click to refresh all objects on the map. 
  • Map Filters icon (Map Filters): Click to see the Map Filters dialog box. You can filter objects on the map based on certain filter criteria on shipments and modeling scenarios. Filter criterion are:
    • Shipments: Transport Mode, Service Provider, Equipment Group, Rate Offering, Total Ship Unit Count, Total Weight and Total Volume
    • Modeling Scenario: Scenario ID and Scenario Name
  • Select Objects icon(Select Objects): Select a shape (circle, polygon, or square) to draw on the map. Any objects within the selected shape are selected either on the tables and for use with an action. This functionality is only available for HERE maps. 
    • If you select the circle, a circle appears in the center of the map. You can resize and move the circle as necessary. Click Select objects Done icon(Done) to select the objects within the circle and clear the circle. Click Select objects Cancel icon(Cancel) to clear the circle with no objects selected.
    • If you select the polygon, your first click on the map will be the starting point of the polygon. Continue clicking on the map to create the shape of you polygon. Click Select objects Done icon(Done) to select the objects within the polygon and clear the circle. Click Select objects Cancel icon(Cancel) to clear the polygon with no objects selected. Click Select objects Undo icon (Undo) to clear the last point added to the polygon.
    • If you select the square, a square appears in the center of the map. You can resize and move the circle as necessary. Click Select objects Done icon(Done) to select the objects within the square and clear the square. Click Select objects Cancel icon(Cancel) to clear the square with no objects selected.

If you are using Select Objects and you click the Done icon, all of the objects within the shape are selected on the associated tables. 

If you are using Select Objects to run actions then instead of clicking done, right-click on the shape to see the actions pop-up menu. To close this pop-up, click outside of the map region.

  • Collapse/Expand Tabs: Click Collapse Tabs icon to hide the tabs shown in the pane. Click Expand Tabs icon to show the tabs again.
  • Detach the table from the workbench and make it full screen. (Expose pane): If the table is too small, click Detach. The table will expand to fill the screen. Clicking the icon again will return it to the default size.
  • Content Details icon (Content Details): Click to display the content details of the tab. This page is read only. Click to Return icon go back to the actual workbench region.

Map Parameters

A hovering popup window that shows the display and configuration options for the map. Parameters allow you to control the look and feel of the lines, markers, etc. that appear on the map.

  • Map Vendor: If you have multiple map vendors implemented, you can switch between them using this field. Map functionality may vary slightly depending on the map vendor selected.

Note: To configure map vendors, see ALK Properties, HERE Properties, and eLocation Properties (Oracle Map Cloud Services). Maps may also require changes to the ALK DEFAULT EDE ID, HERE DEFAULT EDE ID, ORACLE ELOCATION DEFAULT EDE ID (for Oracle Map Cloud Services), and USE DEFAULT EDE PARAMETERS in the  Logic Configuration for Workbench.

  • Map Region: Lets you select the geographic region that the map zooms to. Values are Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America. You can change the default value of North America via the MAP REGION logic configuration parameter.
  • Shipments: This is a collapsible section. For the different shipment mode types, such as TL, LTL, Air, Rail, etc., the options act as temporary overrides to the map parameters defined on the Logic Configuration - Workbench Shipment page.

    The following options appear in the Map Parameters dialog box. These options apply to all modes. If selected, these options apply to any shipments added to the map going forward.
    • Show Positions: Shows all reported shipment tracking events along the planned shipment route for all the buy shipments on the map.
    • Show Last Position: Shows the last shipment position based on the last shipment tracking event entered for all the buy shipments on the map.

In order to make events appear on the map, the event attribute associated with the event's group USE_IN_MAP must be set to "Y".

When using the Tracking Event Manager, the events must be matched to a buy shipment in order to be considered as a candidate of events to be displayed on the map. When entering event information, event location can be one of the following:

  • Event is at a shipment stop location.
  • Event is at another location.
  • Event is at a city/province code/county.
  • Event is at a latitude/longitude.
  • Orders: This is a collapsible section. The options act as temporary overrides to the map parameters defined for order releases and order movements on the Logic Configuration - Workbench Order page.
  • Drivers: This is a collapsible section. The options act as temporary overrides to the map parameters defined on the Logic Configuration - Workbench Driver page.
  • Locations: This is a collapsible section. For the different location roles, such as airport, consolidation pool, crossdock pool, etc., the options act as temporary overrides to the map parameters defined on the Logic Configuration - Workbench Location page.

    For location clustering with HERE maps, set the following parameters under Locations:
    • Enable Clustering: By default clustering is enabled for HERE maps. Deselect the Enable Clustering check box to disable clustering. This is not available on the Workbench Location logic configuration page.
    • Maximum Radius: Sets the maximum radius of the locations to be clustered. Default value will be 32. Enter a number between 2 and 256. This is not available on the Workbench Location logic configuration page.
    • Minimum Points: Default value will be 2. Enter a number between 2 and 100. This is not available on the Workbench Location logic configuration page.
  • Networks: This is a collapsible section. For the different shipment mode types, such as TL, LTL, Air, Rail, etc., the options act as temporary overrides to the map parameters defined on the Logic Configuration - Workbench Network page.
  • Tile Properties: This is a collapsible section that only appears on a HERE map. You only see this section if the property here.api_key is populated with the HERE V3.1 key and the property here.useLatestApiKey is set to true. Once enabled, you can set the first and second languages, congestion and environmental zones, vehicle restrictions, point of interest, etc. to appear on the HERE map. These options act as temporary overrides to the map parameters defined on the Logic Configuration - Workbench page.


You see a list of vendor-specific controls that you can add to the map. The list of controls varies depending on the map vendor selected. Select a control from the list to display it on the map. Select the control a second time to remove it from the map.

Note: The functionality of each control is determined by the map vendor. Refer to the map vendor documentation for more detail on each control.

  • If the map vendor is HERE you see the following controls.
    • Measure Distance: Select this option to display the Measure distance icon on the map. Click the icon on the map to calculate distances between geographical locations, which you select  by clicking on the map.
    • Overview Map: Select this option to display the Minimap icon on the map. Click the icon on the map to view a small overview of the main map.
    • Zoom to Area: Select this option to display the Zoom rectangle icon on the map. Click the icon on the map and select an area on the map to zoom to.
  • If the map vendor is ALK you see the following controls. Select a control to display it on the map.
    • Overview Map: Select this option to display the overview map icon on the map. Click the icon on the map to view a small overview of the main map.
    • Navigation Toolbar: Select this option to display the navigation toolbar on the map. The Navigation toolbar contains four icons to aid in the navigation of the map. The first icon toggles panning of the map. The second icon zooms to the selected area on the screen. The third and fourth icons are history buttons that allow you to move through your navigation history of the map.
    • Geolocation Toolbar: Select this option to display the geolocation toolbar on the map. The geolocation toolbar contains two icons related to the Geolocation API. The functionality of this control is dependent on both the browser supporting the Geolocation API and the user granting access to their location. The first icon uses the browser's Geolocation API to determine the current longitude and latitude based on the available information. The second icon locks the returned location as the "current" location.
    • Mouse Coordinates: Select this option to display the longitude and latitude coordinate of the current location of the mouse pointer.
  • If the map vendor is Oracle Map Cloud Services you see the following controls.
    • Magnify Area: Select this option to display the magnify rectangle on the map. Move the rectangle to an area of the map to magnify it.
    • Toolbar: Select this option to display a toolbar which contains the Clear, Distance, and Zoom icons. The Clear icon clears all the tools present on the map which were added using this toolbar. The Distance icon helps to calculate distances between geographical locations, which you select by clicking on the map. The Zoom icon zooms to the selected area on the map.


By clicking Actions, the following actions are available on a map.

  • Refresh: If you make a change to a shipment, such as adding another stop, this action redraws the map to illustrate such a change.
  • Remove From Map: The selected shipments will be removed from the map.
  • Show Positions: Shows all reported shipment tracking events along the planned shipment route for the shipments selected on the map. Use this action after selecting multiple shipments on the map.

    In order to make events appear on the map, the event attribute associated with the event's group USE_IN_MAP must be set to "Y".

    When using the Tracking Event Manager, the events must be matched to a buy shipment in order to be considered as a candidate of events to be displayed on the map. When entering event information, event location can be one of the following:

    • Event is at a shipment stop location.
    • Event is at another location.
    • Event is at a city/province code/county.
    • Event is at a latitude/longitude.
  • Hide Positions: Hides all reported shipment tracking events along the planned shipment route for the shipments selected on the map. Use this action after selecting multiple shipments on the map.
  • Show Last Position: Shows the last shipment position based on the last shipment tracking event entered for the shipments selected on the map. Use this action after selecting multiple shipments on the map.

When using a map, additional actions are available by right-clicking the mapped order release, order movement, or shipment path. These may include:

Overlapping Mapped Objects

If you click on a mapped object that overlaps another object (for example two shipments are mapped on the same path), you will be prompted to choose which object you are selecting. A Select popup appears and lists the overlapping objects so you can indicate which one you want to select. When you select objects in the Select popup, they are selected in the appropriate table. You can then run actions against those object as if you selected them in the tables.

jlp: Add more information when table to map and map to table issues in JET. For a future release.

Drag-and-Drop within a Map

You can use drag-and-drop in a map. The following scenarios summarize your drag-and-drop options.

  • Move order releases to a shipment: Select one or more order releases on the map and drag-and-drop them on a shipment also on the map:
    • HERE
      • When you select one or more order releases or a shipment stop on the map and drag, you see an informational pop-up that shows all the order releases present at the position from which you started dragging. This information displays in 2 sections:
        • Drag Order Releases: order releases not assigned to a shipment
        • Drag from Shipment Stop: the shipment ID followed by the stop number and all the order releases at that stop. P stands for pickup stop and D stands for drop-off stop.
      • As you continue dragging, the pop-up changes to show the Drag Order Releases and Drag from Shipment Stop sections as well as a third section, Drop to Shipment, which lists the Shipment IDs depending on mouse position on the map.
      • When you hover over a drop location, the pop-up changes so that you can select order releases to drag and shipments to drop those orders on to. Depending on the order releases or shipment stops selected, the pop-up contains the sections mentioned above and OK and Cancel buttons.
    • ALK
      • When you select a single order release on the map and drag, you see an informational pop-up that shows the order release present at the position from which you started dragging.
      • As you continue dragging, the pop-up changes to show the Drag Order Release and Drop to Shipment sections, which lists the Shipment ID depending on mouse position on the map.
      • When you hover over a drop location, the pop-up changes so that you can select an order release to drag and shipments to drop those orders on to. Depending on the order releases selected, the pop-up contains the sections mentioned above and OK and Cancel buttons. This does not support rail shipments.
      • You cannot drag and drop on line arrows.
      • Hover events are not support when dragging and dropping.
    • Click OK to complete the drag-and-drop and run the action Move Order to Shipment. Or, click Cancel to close the pop-up without running the action.
    • The action Move Order to Shipment runs in the background with the following limitations:
      • Auto Sequence and Consolidate Equipment are selected automatically and cannot be deselected.
      • The Simulate option is not available for selection.
      • All criteria are considered. You do not see the Planning Ignore or Fleet Ignore pages and cannot ignore any criteria.
    • The affected shipments are refreshed automatically on the map.
    • If the action fails, you see the OTM error message.
  • Move order releases on a shipment stop from one shipment to another: Select a shipment stop on the map and drag-and-drop it to another shipment also on the map. Drag from Shipment Stop: the shipment ID followed by the stop number and all the order releases at that stop. P stands for pickup stop and D stands for drop-off stop. Only available on HERE maps.

Note: This functionality is only available for HERE and ALK maps.


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