Configuration and Administration

Using an Enhanced Workbench Gantt Chart

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench. Select an existing layout. The Workbench Layout list will show both enhanced and legacy layout IDs. The legacy layout IDs are marked with an asterisk. While these layouts can be viewed in the Enhanced Workbench, they cannot be edited. Any legacy layouts that you view in the Enhanced Workbench uses all of the enhanced layout icons. You can convert legacy layouts to enhanced layouts using the Workbench Manager actions.

After you design layouts for a workbench, you can use the workbench by selecting the layout from the drop down list.

The Gantt chart components are a visual representation of the assignments in a scheduling format. Each row in the Gantt chart is an assignment, and it displays the shipments/location resource assigned to the assignment/appointment in the time period. The Gantt chart components available are:

  • Driver Gantt
  • Shipment Gantt
  • Work Assignment Gantt
  • Dock Scheduling Gantt

The default date range of the Gantt chart is today and the next 7 days. The red line on the chart indicates the current date and time.

The Gantt chart pane interacts with the other panes used in a workbench layout. The Gantt chart pane is divided into two sections:

  • The assignment section appears on the left. It displays the driver ID, work assignment ID, or dock door (location resource ID), earliest start time (for driver only), and latest end time (for driver only).

Note: Earliest start time and latest end time columns are only available on the Driver Gantt chart. The early start time is the start time of the earliest shipment displayed in the Gantt chart for this assignment. The latest end time is the last end time for the last shipment displayed in the Gantt chart for this assignment.

  • The other section is the Gantt chart section. In that section, the assignment time usage is graphically displayed in the chart. The ability to drag and drop differs between the Driver Gantt, the Shipment Gantt, the Work Assignment Gantt, and the Dock Scheduling Gantt.

Icons and Buttons

  • Time View: Allows you to change the chart to display weeks, months, year, or entire project.
  • Lock View icon (Lock/Unlock View): By default, the lock icon is shown as open (Lock View). When you click the lock icon to lock a Gantt chart, the icon is shown as closed (Unlock View icon). Click the Lock View icon to lock that Gantt chart and keep current items on the Gantt chart; then, if you click another record on the table, the displayed Gantt chart does not change.
  • (Show/Hide Details Hover): Click this to activate/deactivate a hovering popup window that displays details about the driver, work assignment, or appointment over which the mouse pointer is hovering on the Gantt chart. To configure the fields displayed in the pop-up, select fields to include in the Gantt hover text on the screen set.
    • Dock Scheduling Gantt: By default, the shipment ID and stop number fields are selected as hover text in the public appointment screen sets. To add more fields to the hover pop-up, select fields on the screen set.
    • Driver Gantt: The Driver field always shows on the Driver Gantt hover pop-up and it is not configurable. And by default, the shipment ID, start time, and end time fields are selected as hover text in the public driver screen set. To add more fields to the hover pop-up, select fields on the screen set.
    • Shipment Gantt: If you hover over a shipment in the Gantt, you see the Shipment Gantt hover pop-up. The Shipment field always shows on the Shipment Gantt hover pop-up and it is not configurable. And by default, the shipment ID, start time, and end time fields are selected as hover text in the public buy shipment screen set. To add more fields to the hover pop-up, select fields on the screen set. If the rows are expanded and you hover over a stop, you see a location hover pop-up.
    • Work Assignment Gantt: If you hover over a work assignment in the Gantt, you see the Work Assignment Gantt hover pop-up. The Work Assignment field always shows on the Work Assignment Gantt hover pop-up and it is not configurable. And by default, the shipment ID, start time, and end time fields are selected as hover text in the public work assignment screen set. To add more fields to the hover pop-up, select fields to include on the screen set. If the rows are expanded and you hover over a stop, you see a location hover pop-up.
  •  (Gantt Parameters): Click this icon to open a hovering popup window that shows parameters for the Gantt chart.
  • (Show Resources): This option is selected by default. Click to remove the assignment section from the Gantt region.
  • (Show Overview Gantt): Displays the overview Gantt below the chart. Use the overview Gantt to move to another time range by sliding the gray box either the left or the right. Make the gray box bigger to show more dates in the main Gantt.
  • (Remove): Removes the selected item from the Gantt chart pane. The item can be re-added later and was not removed from the Table or Map panes.
  • (Refresh): The chart is refreshed for selected rows. This is useful if the shipment, driver, or work assignment information was edited while in this page.
  • (Show Legend): Displays the color coding used on the Gantt chart section when Show Activities is clicked. For example, the shipment is broken into Pickup and Drop-off colors.
  • Time Range: Changes the displayed time frame. Several options exist, such as "Today" and "Today and the past 3 Days". A day is defined as its starting hour to midnight. Additionally, you can define your own range by choosing "Between". When you do so, a pair of arrows appears. When you click on them, you can specify a date/time range for the Gantt chart section. When the Gantt chart loads, the default value of this component is same as the default value defined in the Gantt Chart Time Range logic configuration parameter.
  • Location Resource Group: Select the location resource group to filter corresponding resources with appointments if any. For use with Dock Scheduling Gantt chart only.
  • (Show Activities): Changes the representation of the shipments in the Gantt chart section to be color-coded based on shipment features, such as Pickup, Wait, and Drop-off times.
  • (Show Non-working Time): Displays the time the driver is off work as gray bars along with their assignments when Shown-non Working Time is clicked. For use with Driver Gantt chart only.
  • Collapse/Expand Tabs: Click to hide the tabs shown in the pane. Click to show the tabs again.
  • Detach the table from the workbench and make it full screen. (Expose pane): If the table is too small, click Detach. The table will expand to fill the screen. Clicking the icon again will return it to the default size.
  •  (Content Details): Click to display the content details of the tab. This page is read only. Click to  go back to the actual workbench region.

Gantt Parameters

A hovering popup window that shows the display options for tasks on the Gantt chart.

  • Label Position: Controls where the GID/XID appears in relation to the task.
  • Task Height: Controls the task bar height. Default is 20.
  • Gantt Gridlines: Show/hide the grid lines in the Gantt chart. Default is Visibile.
  • Axis Position: Controls where the axis appears. Default is Top.
  • Show GID Values as Label:  By default, the task label is the GID (for example shipment ID of 12345). Select this option to show the task label in XID format (for example DOMAIN.12345).
  • Shipment Appointment Display String: Controls the appointment display string which appears on the Shipment or Dock Scheduler Gantt charts. The list of available strings comes from the glog.appointment.displayString.shipment property
  • Standing Appointment Display String: Controls the appointment display string which appears on the Shipment or Dock Scheduler Gantt charts. The list of available strings comes from the glog.appointment.displayString.standingAppointment property.

Appointment Display String (Shipment and Dock Scheduler only)

Appointment numbers are automatically generated for every new appointment. If appointments are scheduled across different resource types, all created appointments will have the same confirmation number. When you reschedule an appointment the system keeps the same appointment number unless you have configured the appointment display string to do otherwise. You can can configure appointment display string in the following places:


The Driver Gantt, the Shipment Gantt, the Work Assignment Gantt, and the Dock Scheduling Gantt contain two action menus. The actions that appear on these menus are controlled by the screen sets specified when you create the Gantt component.

Driver Gantt Chart

The Driver Gantt chart is a visual representation of the driver assignments in a scheduling format. Each row in the Gantt chart is a driver, and it displays the shipments assigned to this driver in the time period selected.

Driver-specific Actions

Actions are run against shipments that appear in the Gantt chart pane, not the driver table pane. To select a shipment, click on the bar in the chart. To clear the selection, click on the same shipment bar. When in the Gantt chart, you are working on a shipment and any actions are shipment actions or will run against the shipment.

The following actions are under the Shipment Actions menu or can be accessed via SmartLinks within the Gantt:

Action Check

For action checks on the Assign Shipment to Driver, use the audit action ID of ASSIGN SHIPMENT TO DRIVER.

Shipment Gantt Chart

The Shipment Gantt chart is a visual representation of the buy shipments in a scheduling format. Each row in the Gantt chart is a shipment. You can click on the arrow to expand the shipment tree see the shipment stop locations. Each time you expand the tree you see the Gantt changes to show more information.

Work Assignment Gantt Chart

The Work Assignment Gantt chart is a visual representation of the work assignments in a scheduling format. Each row in the Gantt chart is a work assignment. You can also view work assignments based on the resource scheduling instance. You can click on the arrow to expand the work assignment tree, click once again to see the shipments, and finally click again on each shipment to see the shipment stops. Each time you expand the tree you see the Gantt changes to show more information.

Right-click Action

You can right-click on a shipment and run the Remove Shipment (from work assignment) action.

Action Check

For action checks, use the audit action ID of ADD SHIPMENT ON WA.

Dock Scheduling Gantt Chart

The Dock Scheduling Gantt chart is a visual representation of the appointments in a scheduling format. Each row in the Gantt chart is a location resource (dock door), and it displays the appointments assigned to this location resource in the time period selected with the location's time zone. 

If you have a shipment stop table pane, you can select the Add to Gantt radio button in the table row to add the record to the Gantt chart, or you can run the Add to Gantt action. When you select the radio button, the Gantt chart loads with corresponding location resources and appointments if any. When there are no appointments for the selected shipment stop, the Gantt chart start time is minus (-) one day to the estimated arrival or planned arrival of the shipment stop and Gantt chart end time is plus (+) one day to the estimated arrival or planned arrival of the shipment stop. When there is an appointment for the selected shipment stop, the Gantt chart start time is minus (-) one day to the appointment start time and Gantt chart end time is plus (+) one day to the appointment end time.

Note: The dock scheduling Gantt chart supports one location at a time. So you can only select one shipment stop to show on the Gantt chart.


Location Resource Actions

Location Resource Actions Appointment Actions are run against the location resources that appear in the Gantt chart section.

  • Create Appointment: When you click the Create Appointment action, the create appointment pop-up widow appears. The values for the Pickup Location and Delivery Location fields will be the location of the selected shipment stop. The appointment is created on the most feasible location resource.
  • Block Resource: When you click the Block Resource action, an appointment cannot be scheduled for that slot.
  • Unblock Resource: Select one or more blocked slots to unblock the slots so that appointments to schedule appointments.

Appointment Actions

Appointment Actions are run against appointments that appear in the Gantt chart section. To select an appointment, click on the bar in the chart. To clear the selection, click on the same appointment bar. If an appointment is selected and a location resource row is selected, it may appear that the action is being run against the location resource, but it is really affecting the appointment.

In addition to appointment screen set actions, the following actions are under the Appointment Actions menu:

  • Add Remarks: This action opens the Appointment Information Manager page where you can select a remark qualifier and add remark text.
  • Adjust Appointment Time
  • Change Appointment Activity Type: This action specifies if the trailer scheduled for the appointment is attached to the truck (Live) or being dropped (Drop).
  • Find Next Available Appointment: This action finds the next available appointment for the shipment stop. OTM finds the latest time between the current time at the location and the current appointment time and searches for the next best appointment from that time onwards. For example, let’s look at two scenarios, an appointment which is scheduled in the past and also in future.
    • Appointment before the current time at the location: Scenario 1 - If the current appointment time is at 10:00 A.M. on 15th June, 2017 and the current time at location is at 3:00 P.M. on 19th June, 2017. When you click Find Next Available Appointment, OTM searches for appointments from 19th June, 2017, 3:00 PM onwards and finds the latest appointment.
    • Appointment after the current time at the location: Scenario 2 - If the current appointment time is at 10:00 AM on 25th June, 2017 and the current time at location is at 3:00 P.M. on 19th June, 2017. When you click Find Next Available Appointment, OTM searches for appointments after 25th June, 2017, 10:00 A.M. onwards and finds the latest appointment.
  • Find Previous Available Appointment:  For any future appointments (appointments after the current time at the location), this action finds the best appointment which falls within the range from the current time at the location to the current appointment time. For example: If the current appointment time is at 10:00 A.M. on 25th June, 2017 and the current time at location is at 3:00 P.M. on 19th June, 2017, and the best appointment after 3:00 P.M. on 19th June, 2017 is 4:00-5:00 P.M., so OTM selects this time for the best available appointment. OTM displays an error message when you perform this action for an appointment in the past that is any appointment before the current time at the location.
  • Quick Event: This action opens the Add New Event page for the shipment.
  • Re-compute Appointment: This action will find the best overall appointment for the shipment, similar to finding an appointment for an unscheduled shipment. The re-computed appointment may be the same as the current appointment.
  • Remove Appointment: Selecting this option removes the entire appointment.
  • Schedule Appointment - Show Options
  • View Appointment Information: Opens the appointment information manager window that allows you to view the details of the appointment, and then edit them.
  • View Dock Related Shipments: Displays shipments related to the dock.
  • Reschedule Appointment

Right Click Menu

On Normal Appointments and Infeasible Appointments

When you right click on a normal appointment, the following menu items appear along with the Edit and View SmartLinks:

On Fixed Appointments

When you right click on a fixed appointment, the following menu items appear only for the Dock Scheduling Gantt chart.

  • Add Remarks: This action opens the Appointment Information Manager page where you can select a remark qualifier and add remark text.
  • Change Appointment Activity Type: This action specifies if the trailer scheduled for the appointment is attached to the truck (Live) or being dropped (Drop).
  • Quick Event: This action opens the Add New Event page for the shipment.
  • View Appointment Information: Opens the appointment information manager window that allows you to view the details of the appointment, and then edit them.
  • View Dock Related Shipments: Displays shipments related to the dock.

On a Blocked Slot

When you right click on a blocked slot, the following menu item appears only for the Dock Scheduling Gantt chart.

  • Unblock Resource:When you click the Unblock Resource action, the blocked slot becomes available for scheduling an appointment.

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