Configuration and Administration

Using an Enhanced Workbench Manager Layout

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench. Select an existing layout. The Workbench Layout list will show both enhanced and legacy layout IDs. The legacy layout IDs are marked with an asterisk. While these layouts can be viewed in the Enhanced Workbench, they cannot be edited. Any legacy layouts that you view in the Enhanced Workbench uses all of the enhanced layout icons. You can convert legacy layouts to enhanced layouts using the Workbench Manager actions.

After you design layouts for a workbench, you can use the workbench by selecting the layout from the drop down list. Or, you can add the Layout ID as a menu item to either the Navigator and/or the Springboard.

You can quickly edit or view an OTM/GTM object on a workbench layout. Using a manager layout within a Workbench layout is similar to using a standard OTM/GTM manager layout. Depending on how your screen set and manager layout are defined, you can either edit or view an OTM/GTM object. See the Basic Data Entry for Refreshed User Interface and View Business Object for details on some of the functionality shared between manager layouts. Refer to the online help specific for each OTM/GTM object for details on each manager layout.

Icons and Buttons

Workbench layouts featuring a manager layout include this icon:

  • Lock View icon (Lock/Unlock View): By default, the lock icon is shown as open (Lock View icon). When you click the lock icon to lock a manager layout, the icon is shown as closed (Unlock View icon). Click the Lock View icon to lock that manager layout and keep the results; then, if you click another row in the table the results displayed in the manager layout do not change. This is useful when you have a shipment table and a shipment manager layout since it allows you to select a shipment to view and then lock the manager layout. With the shipment manager layout locked, you can click around in the shipment table and the manager layout will not change.
  • Collapse/Expand Tabs: Click to hide the tabs shown in the pane. Click to show the tabs again.
  • Detach the table from the workbench and make it full screen. (Expose pane): If the table is too small, click Detach. The table will expand to fill the screen. Clicking the icon again will return it to the default size.
  •  (Content Details): Click to display the content details of the tab. This page is read only. Click to  go back to the actual workbench region.

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