Brokerage and Forwarding

Convert Quote to Order

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Quote > Actions > Convert Quote to Order.

Use this action to convert a specific quote to an order.

When the action is run, Oracle Transportation Management first checks to see if there are cost options. If there are none, Oracle Transportation Management informs you. If this is the case, redo the quote and choose valid cost options. Oracle Transportation Management then checks to see if the quote has expired, or if the quote has already been converted to an order. If either are true, you are asked if you want to continue.

A cost options page appears. This lists all the potential cost options for the quote. Select the option that you want to convert to a quote. Next, select whether you want to re-use the equipment that was originally selected for the quote by selecting Re-use Option Equipment, or select Optimize Equipment to have Oracle Transportation Management re-optimize the equipment selection for the order. When you are done, click Convert to Order.

The Order Release page opens (by default)  with all the information from the quote pre-populated on it. To complete the process, follow the steps for creating an order release.

You can use the property glog.quote.convertToOrder.orderManager to open the Freight Forwarding manager by default instead of the Order Release manager edit screen.

Both the buy and sell itineraries are copied to the Buy Fixed Itinerary and Sell Fixed Itinerary. For the service provider, the service provider on the Buy side of the option is copied to the Service Provider field. The service provider on the Sell side is copied to the Sell Service Provider field.

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