Business Process Automation

Mail Quota Handlers

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Mail Management > Mail Quota Handlers.

There is a maximum mail quota established when your system is configured. If your email quantity exceeds that quota, all overflow emails will be lost. A notification will be sent to administrators letting them know that emails have been lost. This notification, and the frequency of notifications are controlled by and glog.mail.quota.notificationFrequency.

In order to prevent losing these overflow email messages, you can configure mail quota handlers. By setting the mail quota handlers to be triggered  when your emails are less than you system email quota, you can prevent your messages from being lost. For example, you can define a threshold to be a percentage of your system quota and when that percentage is reached designated administrators will be notified.

Mail Quota Handlers can be used to block less important emails at a lower quota than critical emails. For example, you can specify that tender-related emails are blocked at 95% of the maximum mail quota and persisted, while other emails are blocked at 80% of the maximum mail quota. This effectively gives tender emails a larger percentage of email resources.

A quota handler identifies a collection of emails requiring special quota handling. It can be used to:

  • identify emails that are business critical and should claim more of the overall quota.
  • warn administrators when email counts approach a set quota (less than the overall quota).
  • block emails when counts exceed a set quota.
  • optionally persist blocked emails for later resubmission.
  • protect the system from excessive storage of blocked emails.

Note: The warning, blocking and dropping thresholds are all assumed to specify limits more constrained than the quota. Otherwise, the quota will block the emails regardless of the quota handler.

Adding a Mail Quota Handler

  1. Enter a Handler ID.
  2. Enter a Domain.
  3. Enter a Priority. When processing a new mail message, handlers are processed in priority order, from low to high. While not recommended, handlers may be set up such that multiple handlers apply to a single mail message. For example, a tender message sent to carrier YELLOW may trigger two handlers: one set up for tender messages and one set up for messages to YELLOW. If the tender handler has a priority of 1 and the YELLOW handler a level of 2, the tender thresholds are checked before the YELLOW thresholds.
  4. Select the Active check box to activate this mail quota handler.
  5. Enter a Mail Quota Group ID. These are sets of emails types, such as all Tender emails.
  6. Enter a Warn Threshold ID. An optional warning threshold. If exceeded, contacts are warned of impending quota limits based on the selected threshold.
  7. Enter a Block Threshold ID. An optional blocking threshold. If exceeded, emails are blocked.
  8. Select the Persist On Block field if you want the blocked emails to be saved to the database for eventual delivery. When a mail message is persisted and resubmitted, it preempts any other mail messages in the queue. The priority of resubmitted mail messages is based on the handler level that persisted them. Resubmitted mail messages with a lower level will be processed before those with a higher level.
  9. Enter a Drop Threshold ID. An optional dropping threshold. If you selected the Persist On Block check box, you may want to avoid potential performance issues when excessive numbers of emails are persisted. The dropping threshold constrains the maximum number of persisted emails during a given time period. Dropped emails are lost. The threshold you select must use a threshold amount and duration. You cannot use a percent of quota type of threshold.
  10. Click Finished.

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