Business Process Automation

Mail Quota Thresholds

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Mail Management > Mail Quota Thresholds.

A quota threshold defines a sub-quota of mail messages for handler behavior. It also defines who gets notified when a threshold is reached. For example, a particular handler may be created to:

  • warn administrators when the quota group mail count exceeds 70% of the mail quota.
  • block and persist emails when the quota group mail count exceeds 90% of the mail quota.
  • stop persisting emails when the persisted count exceeds 100/hour.

Each of these rules is set up with a quota threshold. The threshold specifies:

  • a threshold trigger: this can be a percentage of the threshold or an absolute count per duration period.
  • a notification frequency used to repeat the notification every N emails that exceed the threshold.
  • a set of contacts/email addresses to notify when the threshold is exceeded.

Adding a Mail Quota Threshold

Note: When defining threshold that will be used as a Drop Threshold, you must specify a threshold amount and duration. You cannot use a percent of quota.

  1. Enter a Mail Quota Threshold ID.
  2. Enter a Domain Name.
  3. Enter a Percent of Quota. Set either the percent or the threshold amount. This is the percentage of the overall mail threshold to trigger the profile.
  4. Enter a Threshold Amount. Set either the percent or the threshold amount. This is the number of messages per a fixed duration to trigger the profile.
  5. Enter a Threshold Duration. The duration when triggering the profile with a threshold amount.
  6. Enter a Notify Every. This is a notification frequency used to repeat the notification every N emails that exceed the threshold.
  7. Enter a Contact ID and click Save. This is the contact to be notified when the threshold is exceeded.
  8. Enter an Email Address and click Save. This is an email to be notified when the threshold is exceeded.
  9. Click Finished.

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