Shipment Management

Accept Tender

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Tender > Accept Tender
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Tender > Accept Tender

A tender is a contract to transport a shipment. You can accept a tender on behalf of a service provider manually. You may want to do this if the service provider cannot respond to a tender electronically. When you accept a tender, Oracle Transportation Management performs the following actions:

  • Updates the shipment status to SECURE RESOURCES ACCEPTED or BOOKED.
  • Cancels the tender time-out alarm. The tender time-out alarm defines the amount of time during which a service provider can respond to a tender.
  • You can have Oracle Transportation Management send notification to involved parties when a tender is accepted.

A service provider can accept a tender for a shipment by sending notice through the integration layer or by using the On-line Booking and Tendering function. If the service provider accepts the tender this way, Oracle Transportation Management automatically acts on the shipment and you do not need to accept the tender.

The property glog.tender.mandatoryShipmentRefNumberQual allows you to require that a service provider enter a Shipment Reference Qualifier and Shipment Reference Number when accepting a tender.

The property glog.tender.remarkDisplayQual allows you to set the remark qualifier GID and if a shipment has that qualifier then the qualifier value will be displayed while accepting the tender.

Note: The property glog.tender.broadcast.allowAutoBidWhileAcceptTender allows the accepting of a broadcast tender without needing to enter a new bid for the carrier. If set to true and the carrier performs the Accept Tender action on the broadcast tender, the shipment will be accepted and the shipment cost will be used as the bid amount. The default value of the property is false.

If you are using step tendering and multiple service providers have responded, you are presented with a list of these service providers so you can select the service provider whose tender has been accepted. Service providers running this action do not see the list.

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