Shipment Management

Adjust Shipment Costs Detail

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipment > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Costs > Adjust Shipment Costs
  • Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Sell Shipment > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Costs > Adjust Shipment Costs

Then, click New Shipment Cost or Adjust on the Adjust Shipment Costs page. The available fields vary depending upon which adjustment type you selected.

Adjustment Types

Adjusting Only

When you adjust a cost the system takes the original cost and adds or subtracts an amount to it to create the new cost.

  1. Enter a Shipment Cost.
  2. Enter an adjustment reason for the cost.

Reversing and Adjusting

Reversing and adjusting causes the system to create a new cost that negates the original cost. Then it creates another new cost with the new cost value that you specify.

  1. Complete the page as you would when you define the shipment costs.

Reversing Only

The system reverses a cost by creating a new cost with a negative amount that matches the amount of the original cost.

  1. Enter an adjustment reason for the cost.

Creating a New Shipment Cost

When you click this button, you create a new cost record. 

  1. Complete the page as you would when you define the shipment costs.

Note: To make the adjustment reason optional, you need to set the property glog.webserver.shipment.adjustShipmentCost.isAdjustReasonMandatory to false. 

Shipment Cost References

This section appears if you selected New Shipment Cost or Reverse and Adjust. Use this grid to associate a shipment cost to specific Order release line items or Order releases or Shipment stops for allocation purposes. 

  1. Shipment Cost Qualifier ID: Select the shipment cost qualifier from the dropdown list. Allowed values are Order release line items, Order releases, and Shipment stops.
  2. Shipment Cost Reference ID: Select the shipment cost reference from the dropdown list. The list of shipment cost references appears based on the selected shipment cost qualifier.
  3. Click Save for each qualifier you specify.

If all three types of cost references are defined for the shipment cost, then the shipment cost will be associated with only one of them during allocation as per the below priority order:

  • Order Release LineUse the Order Release Line to associate a shipment cost to specific order release line. The cost will be allocated to related order or order line.
  • Order ReleaseUse the Order Release to associate a shipment cost to specific order releases. The cost will be allocated to the specified order or to all related order lines.
  • Shipment Stop: Use the Shipment Stop to associate a shipment cost to specific Shipment Stops. The cost will be allocated to all the related order or order lines.


  1. Enter remarks to explain why you adjusted the costs.
  2. Click OK.

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