Shipment Management

Edit Load Config

This screen allows you to edit a shipment that was built with a load configuration by moving items around manually. It is designed for small edits/touch-ups not a total repack. This page is accessed via:

  • Buy Shipment Actions > Operational Planning > View > Edit Load Config
  • View Shipment Load Config view screen > Edit Load Config

Note: Hard constraints on the item or in the rules, such as floor compatibility, stacking layer constraints, top weight constraints and so on, are considered.


This page has the following controls. Some controls are the same as on the View Load Configuration page.

Note: Center of gravity is calculated on the fly but is not persisted to the database.

  1. Reset: This puts the whole screen back to its original state, so all modifications are reverted back.
  2. Undo: This is used to reverse your last action. Initially this control is disabled when the screen is loaded. It gets enabled when you edit an item (either by dragging the item or changing the orientation by double clicking the item).
  3. Redo: This is used to reverse your last "Undo". It is enabled only when the "Undo" action has been used.
  4. View: Same as on View Load Config.
  5. Color Scheme: Same as on View Load Config.
  6. Loading Sequence Arrows: Same as on View Load Config.
  7. Stack View: This shows the items based on stacking index. Same as on View Load Config.
  8. Multi-stop View: Same as on View Load Config.
  9. Show Center of Gravity and Center of Gravity Details: This is used to show/hide the position of center of gravity for the current load configuration placement. This shows the center of gravity coordinates for the equipment for the current load configuration. The screen will dynamically show the updated center of gravity coordinates when an item is dragged and/or the orientation changes. If you move all the items out of the equipment, you can see the center of gravity placement in the equipment. When an item position and/or orientation is changed, the new updated center of gravity coordinates are displayed in the Center of Gravity control.
  10. More Options:
    1. Show Projection: This is used to show/hide the placement projection when an item is dragged.
    2. Show Controls: This is used to show/hide the item control. The item control has controllers to change the item position as well as orientation. Also, it shows basic information for the dragged item. If this is selected, the Control pop-up window will open automatically when an item is dragged to the staging area.
    3. Auto Placement: This enables you to turn auto placement on and off. When an item is dragged and the auto placement logic is ON, you see the nearest possible placement for the dragged item on the screen. When the mouse is released, the dragged item snaps into the projected placement.
    4. Show Details Panel: This is used to show/hide the item information panel (the Item hover details panel).
    5. Restrict Item to Equipment: When On, the item can only be dragged in the confines of the equipment even if you drag the mouse out of the equipment. Note that as you drag an item, the mouse may not always be aligned with the item. If Off, it can be dragged freely around the space. It is Off by default.
    6. Check Constraints: When an item orientation or placement is modified, these constraint checks will be validated. It is enabled by default. Constraints for space (ensures the item fits in the space) and overlap (checks for item overlap) are always checked regardless of this check box.
      1. EQUIPMENT CURVATURE: checks to see if fits within confines of roof for equipment with curved roofs
      2. STACKING HEIGHT: checks max stacking height defined on load configuration setup
      3. FLOOR COMPATIBLE: ensures item can be placed on the floor, as defined on load configuration setup
      4. STACKING LAYER: checks the number of layers that can be stacked
      5. ORIENTATION CHECK: checks orientations are compliant based on load configuration setup
      6. STACKING CONSTRAINT CHECK: ensures stacking above and stacking below checks are compliant
      7. NUMBER OF ITEMS DIRECTLY BELOW CHECK: This constraint checks if a shipment ship unit piece is a split piece. If so, there can be only one shipment ship unit piece below it.
      8. NO LOADING SPLIT ITEMS BELOW CHECK: This constraint checks if a shipment ship unit piece is a split piece. If so, the shipment ship unit piece below should not be split piece.
      9. OVERHANG CHECK: For a shipment ship unit, you can define the percentage area that does not need to be supported by a item below i.e it can be placed without any support under it. In this constrain, OTM checks that the unsupported area is not more than what is defined in Load Configuration Setup in MAX PERCENTAGE OF UNSUPPORTED AREA.
      10. MAXIMUM TOP WEIGHT/LOAD BEARING: This constraint checks the maximum allowable weight that can be loaded on top of this type of unit when loaded according to the orientation. Top weight on an item is sum of weights of all the items placed above it. If an item is partially placed on top of another item, then the percentage of overlapped area is calculated. Based on this percentage, the overlapped weight is calculated by multiplying the percentage with the total weight of the item.
      11. STACKING COMPATIBILITY: This constraint checks for item stacking compatibility. The stacking compatibility is based on PI/PU/THU and orientation for ship units.
      12. LOAD CONFIGURATION SETUP: This constraint checks if the ship unit has a Load Configuration Setup defined.

Staging Area

The empty compartment on top of the equipment represents the "Staging Area".You can move items out of the equipment and place them in the staging area temporarily as you look at how you may move some items.

You can change the view so you can see different angles. You can also click on the "equipment" and move the equipment with the mouse to get a different view. Changing the default view may help you see some items better as you move items around. You can also use the mouse to resize the equipment and staging area.

To move items, you can use the following:


You can move any of the sliders (X, Y, or Z axis) to move items from the equipment to the staging area and from the staging area back to equipment. These move one or more items at a time. For example, if you have 6 items placed widthwise and you move that slider back, all 6 items would move at one.

Once you drag an item, the sliders are inactive. You need to click Reset before you can use the sliders again.

Double Click

Double click on an item to change the item orientation.

Dragging Ability

When an item is dragged from the staging area to equipment, OTM identifies the nearest possible placement (if Auto Placement is ON) and shows a projection box in the screen (if Show Projection is ON). When auto placement is OFF, item can be dragged freely to any position within the equipment.

If you drag an item by mistake, you can revert the action using the Undo/Redo controls.

When an item is dragged, OTM will check basic validations such as overlapping items, equipment out of space and so on.

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