Shipment Management

Relay Shipment In Transit - Force

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments. Select Actions > Fleet Management > Manage Relays > Relay Shipment In Transit -Force.

This action is similar to the Relay Shipment In Transit action. However, this Force action allows for the insertion of a relay point anywhere after the first stop but before the last stop. The other action is constrained by service time, rating infeasibility, and compatibility rules, and will fail if those criteria are invalid. The Force action ignores the infeasibilities and allows the action to be complete. The resulting shipment is created but may be marked as infeasible. In the case of the other action, infeasible shipments will not be created and the action will fail.

If the relay point is after the last pick up and before the first drop off, then the shipment created by this action (the second shipment) will share the same shipment equipment as the original shipment (the first shipment). Otherwise,  the two shipments will not share shipment equipment (because they will not contain exactly the same set of shipment ship units).

The property glog.optimization.scheduling.driveSimulator.suppressWaitTimeIfWorkPeriodNotDefined allows you to suppress the wait time caused due to the unavailability of work periods on the calendar.

Note: This action does not work for static trip, dynamic trip, flight, voyage, ground service, or depot shipments.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

Entering an In transit Relay Shipment:

  1. Enter the Relay Location ID to record where the relay will occur.
  2. Select the Shipment Stop Number before or after the relay location.
  3. When the relay point is not an existing shipment stop location select the Insert Relay location before existing stop check box to insert the relay point before the stop location. If it is at one of the locations, this check box is ignored.
  4. Enter the Relay Driver ID that is assigned to the second shipment.
  5. Click OK.

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