Shipment Management

Split Shipment by Equipment

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. Select a shipment and click Actions > Change Shipment Route > Split Shipment. Then choose Split Shipment By: Equipment.

Use this action to split a shipment by equipment. For more information on splitting shipments, see the split shipments example. You can split the shipment to an existing shipment or a new shipment.

Note: You can only split one shipment at a time.

The options for splitting by equipment are the same as for Split Shipment by Order Release, with the following exceptions:

  • You cannot choose to have the split shipment be unplanned.


  • You cannot split equipment between consol and ordinary shipments. OTM allows you to split equipment of the same type of shipments ('ordinary' to 'ordinary', consol to consol).
  • You cannot split equipment between consol shipments of different consol types.
  • You cannot split equipment either from or to a ground schedule shipment.
  • You can split equipment on shipments that have reuse shipment equipment.

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