Shipment Management

Split Shipment by Order Release

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Change Shipment Route > Split Shipment. Then choose Split Shipment By: Order Release.

Use this action to unassign an order release (and all of its ship units/lines) from a shipment and create a new shipment or order movement. For more information on splitting shipments, see the split shipments example.

The options for this shipment are the same as for Split Shipment by Order Movement, except you can split to a direct shipment or a parallel shipment.

Note: If you split order releases from a previously-merged shipment which had different involved parties on each of the original orders, those involved parties will be restored during the merge process.

You remove an order from the shipment without affecting other orders on the shipment or affecting prior shipments for the order you unassign. The order is automatically removed from future shipments to which it is assigned.

Note: You can only split one shipment at a time.

After you run this action, Oracle Transportation Management displays a list of the current order releases for the shipment including their source and destination locations, total weight and volume, early pickup and late delivery dates. Use the following splitting options to create a new shipment or order movement.

  1. The Leave Unplanned check box controls whether you want to create a new shipment or order movement. If you select the check box, then order movements are created. If you do not select the check box, then new shipments are created.
  2. Select the Split to Direct Shipment option button to remove one or more orders from an existing shipment and create a new, direct shipment with these orders to the order's destination location. If you have the Leave Unplanned check box selected, then order movements are created instead of shipments.
  3. Select the Split to Parallel Shipment option button when, (in a cross-dock to pool leg), some or all orders are split-off and require the linking and unlinking of the orders from their related shipments. You can also specify the shipment onto which are splitting. For example, see shipment H, which represents the split-off orders, in the split shipment example. If you have the Leave Unplanned check box selected, then order movements are created instead of shipments.

    Note: Split to Parallel Shipment is the preferred option for single leg multistop type routes. Split to Direct Shipment is for a shipment part of multi-leg when it is not the last leg.

  4. Split to Consol: This option is only available for consol shipments. Use this option to split off portions of the shipment to a consol. Select a consol and click OK. After the order is unassigned it is planned on a new shipment. You should tender the new shipment to a service provider.

Note:  Use the check box in the grid to select all or clear multiple order releases. 

Change Transport Mode and Equipment Group

  1. Optionally, you can change the current Transport Mode and Equipment Group for the new shipment if you want it to be different than the current shipment that you are splitting. If you do not change these values, the characteristics of the current shipment are used for the new shipment. These fields automatically default to the transport mode and equipment for the current shipment.
  2. Select the check box next to one or more order releases that you want to split to a new shipment and click OK. If the shipment has only one order release and you split it, the original shipment is deleted and a new shipment is created.

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