
View Lane Summary

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Lane Aggregation > Lane Summary Criteria > Actions > View Lane Summary.

Note: This action only works with shipment types TL and Ocean. For LTL shipment type, use the LTL Lane Summary report.

To actually view a lane summary, you need to run the View Lane Summary action.

Note: To view a lane summary for more than 1,000 lanes, you must use the Save to CSV option. The server can time out while waiting for a result if the Using Web option is selected for a large data set.

Viewing the Lane Summary

  1. Select one of the following Show Output options:
  1. Click View Lane Summary to run the action.

Using Web Option

The Using Web option shows the lane summary in the browser. This option is selected by default. You can use this option if you have a few hundred lanes or less.

For both show output options, the following information is shown at the top of the page or spreadsheet:

  • Lane Summary ID (lane_summary_gid in the spreadsheet)
  • Begin Date (begin_date in the spreadsheet)
  • End Date (end_date in the spreadsheet)
  • Time Period Size (in Days) (time_period_size in the spreadsheet)

Next, there is a grid listing each lane included in the lane summary. This information appears in both the web output and the CSV output. For details on the columns in this grid, see the Lane Grid section.

Note: If the selected lane summary is associated with a project that has bids against it, then you will not see the Add Lane, Delete Lanes, or Adjust Shipment Volumes by Percentage buttons.

Note: Make sure that all ocean lanes are unique based on the following: lane ID, equipment group, source & destination arbitrary lane, and source & destination arbitrary region.

If the combination of ocean lane, arbitrary lanes, arbitrary regions, and equipment group matches another lane in your lane summary, you cannot save your changes. To resolve this, change one of the fields to make the combination unique and save again.

If you selected the Show Output option of Using Web and there are no bids associated with this lane summary, you can also:

  • Add a lane
  • Delete lane(s)
  • Adjust shipment volume by percentage

Adding a Lane

To add a lane to the lane summary, click Add Lane.

Deleting Lanes

To delete one or more lanes from the lane summary,

  1. Select one or more lanes in the grid.
  2. Click Delete Lanes.
  3. Click OK on the "Are you sure you want to delete this record?" message. The record is deleted from the lane summary.

Adjusting Shipment Volumes by Percentage

To adjust shipment volumes by percentage,

  1. Select one lane.
  2. Click Adjust Shipment Volumes by Percentage.
  3. Click OK at the Confirm to adjust shipment volumes for the records" message.
  4. Enter a value in the Adjust Shipment Volumes by Percentage.
  5. You may see the "Changing this Lane Summary will affect other open Projects. Do you want to continue?" message. Click OK.
  6. Click Adjust Shipment Volumes by Percentage at the bottom of the page.

Note: Only the Total column is recalculated based on the entered percentage. The remainder of the columns in the grid will NOT be recalculated.

Note: Also, if you run the build lane summary action after making these changes, any changes will be lost.

Save to CSV Option

When you select the Save to CSV option the output appears in CSV format, so you may view the lane summary data in a MS Excel spreadsheet. You must you this option to view 1,000 lanes or more.

When you click View Lane Summary, you see a dialog box asking whether save or open the file:

  • Click Open to open the file in MS Excel.
  • Click Save to save the file to your hard drive.

Lane Grid

This information appears in the lanes grid in both the web output and the CSV output:

Column in Web Output

Column in CSV Output

Lane ID


Source Location Name


Source City


Source Postal Code


Destination Location Name


Destination City


Destination Postal Code


Equipment Group


Equipment Reference Unit ID


Average Equipment Reference Units












Standard Deviation


Average Distance


% Stop Offs


Primary Target Rate


Primary Fleet Rate


Pickup Type


Pickup Day


Pickup Time


Drop Type


Drop Day


Drop Time


Move Category




Customer Pickup


Commodity ID




Origin Ramp


Destination Ramp


01, 02, etc. *

01, 02, etc. *


* Numbered headings such as 01, 02, etc. will vary and represent the time period. These time period columns are based on the time period size and first time period specified on the lane summary criteria.

The CSV output contains the following additional columns not shown on the web output:

  • source_desc
  • dest_desc
  • source_geo_hierarchy
  • source_location
  • source_province_code
  • source_country_code
  • source_region
  • dest_geo_heirarchy
  • dest_location
  • dest_province_code
  • dest_country_code
  • dest_region
  • prim_target_rate_currency
  • prim_fleet_rate_currency

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