Allocate Voucher

This action can be accessed via any of the following:

  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Actions > Financials > Settlement > Allocate Voucher
  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Voucher > Actions > Financials > Manage Vouchers > Allocate Voucher
  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > BOL Back > Actions > Allocate Voucher

The Allocate Voucher action allocates the actual shipping costs of one or more payment invoices or vouchers. For an invoice to have its shipping costs allocated, it must meet these conditions:

  • The invoice has been matched to a buy shipment/shipment group.
  • The invoice has been approved for payment.
  • A voucher has been issued for the invoice.

You can allocate shipment costs on a per order, per order base line, and a per order release line basis, based on a variety of metrics (weight, volume, direct and carried distance, and so on). The metrics that govern allocation are specified in the Allocation Rule Manager.

Note: If an order release has been deleted, then its allocated line items are also deleted.

Note: Refer to Allocation of Voucher - Shipment Group for voucher related to shipment groups.

When you allocate an issued voucher, the status of its shipment changes to PAYMENT_ALLOCATED, and then allocation data can be issued.

You can use the Allocate Voucher action on parent consolidated invoices, but not on their child invoices. In that case, the allocation is performed on the vouchered amount and all orders associated with the child invoices.

First, enter a service provider. Click OK. In the Order Basis Allocation fields, enter percentages totaling 100. For example, enter 70 for weight percent and 30 for volume percent. Direct distance allocation is based on the total distance of the shipment. Carried distance allocation is based on the distance traveled by individual order releases.

Do the same in the Line Basis Allocation fields.

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