
Allocation of Voucher - Shipment Group

When setting up an allocation rule for allocation of a voucher related to a shipment group:

  1. Allocation Rule:
    • Shipment Group Allocation Type:
      • By Line Item: If you select By Line Item, for each shipment of the shipment group, the related voucher lines of that shipment will be allocated to the order/order release line corresponding to that shipment.  If a voucher line does not correspond to any shipment, then it will be allocated to all of the order/order lines corresponding to the shipments of the shipment group.
      • By Total: If you select By Total, for each voucher line, the allocation will be done to the order/order release line corresponding to the shipment related to the voucher line. If a voucher line does not correspond to any shipment, then it will be allocated to all of the order/order lines corresponding to the shipments of the shipment group.
    • Allocation Rule Details
      • Basis: Select an order or a line to allocate charges by order or by order release line.
        Note: Allocation of charges by order base line (OB Line basis) is not supported for allocation of voucher of a shipment group.
  2. Properties:
    • Enable the optional feature "ENABLE ALLOCATION PARALLEL PROCESSING" for enabling parallel processing of allocation of voucher for shipment group.  If this feature is disabled, the allocation of voucher for shipment group will not be performed.
      The optional feature "ENABLE ALLOCATION PARALLEL PROCESSING" is dependent on the optional feature "RAISE STATUS CHANGE EVENTS IN NEW PROCESS" which is enabled by default. If you disable "RAISE STATUS CHANGE EVENTS IN NEW PROCESS", the optional feature "ENABLE ALLOCATION PARALLEL PROCESSING" is also disabled.
      For processing allocation in parallel, a new thread group "allocation" is assigned. You can change the group if needed by using the property (default value is 'allocation'). You can increase the number of threads required for processing by changing the property glog.workflow.queueThreads.allocation (default value is '2').
    • The optional feature "INVOICE PAYMENT - SAVE SHIPMENT COST AS REFERENCE" is enabled by default and used for establishing a relation between the voucher lines and shipments. If you disable this feature, then the allocation will be dependent on ONLY the order release line cost references.

Allocation of the Voucher Lines

Cost will be allocated based on cost references of the voucher lines. Order release line cost reference will take precedence over shipment cost reference. If no reference is found, cost will be allocated to all the orders/order release lines.

  • Shipment Cost Reference: When the optional feature is enabled, cost references with shipment cost ID will be set for each invoice line item while approving match and pay invoice or while generating the invoice (auto-pay). 
  • Order Release Line Cost Reference: It can be set either manually or while generating the invoice.

The following table explains how cost allocation will be done for voucher lines based on a cost reference:


Cost reference records for invoice line item

Shipment Group Allocation Type


Shipment Cost Reference

Order Release Line Reference

By Line Item

By Total




Cost will be allocated to order/order release lines based on the order release line cost reference information. 

Cost will be allocated to order/order release lines based on the order release line cost reference information. 


Not present

Not present

Cost will be allocated to all order/order release lines of all the shipments of the shipment group.

Cost will be allocated to all order/order release lines of all the shipments of the shipment group. 



Not present

Order release line reference will be fetched from shipment cost level

  • If found, then cost will be allocated to order/order release lines based on that order release line cost reference information. 

  • If not found, then cost will be allocated to all order/order release lines of the matched shipment of the shipment group. 

Order release line reference will be fetched from shipment cost level

  • If found, then cost will be allocated to order/order release lines based on that order release line cost reference information. 

  • If not found, then cost will be allocated to all order/order release lines of all the shipment of the shipment group. 


Not present 


Cost will be allocated to order/order release lines based on the order release line cost reference information. 

Cost will be allocated to order/order release lines based on the order release line cost reference information.

Note: When performing allocation by line for a voucher related to an invoice with aggregated line items and if a voucher line is associated with shipment costs of multiple shipments of the shipment group, then the voucher line amount will be first prorated for each shipment and then that prorated amount will be allocated to the order/order release line corresponding to the shipment.

For an example of the allocation of voucher for a Shipment Group, see Example of Allocation of Voucher for Shipment Group.

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