Configuration and Administration

Add Domains

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Domain Management > Add Domain.

Domains provide the ability to keep databases separate and secure in a shared, web-based environment. The Domain Manager enables administrators to organize and manage the domain structure of their installations.

There is considerable flexibility in the domain structure, so the database can be configured to the particular needs of many types of organizations. Top-level domains and subdomains, with a variety of access grants, can be created and maintained.

By default, domains have read/write access to their subdomains, but subdomains do not have access to their parent domains unless it is granted to them. Using the Domain Grants option, administrators can grant access from subdomains to domains, and between domains for increased functional security.

  • Access between domains can be granted automatically using the Auto Grantee and Auto Grantor Managers.
  • Even more precise access to data, across and within domains, can be controlled using the VPD Manager.

Note: Only users with "DBA.ADMIN" or "ADMIN" user roles have rights to create/update domains.

Note: Creating a domain via CSV is not supported. Domains must be created from the Add Domain screen.

Using Default Domains and Users

After installation, the following default domains are automatically created:

  • DBA as a domain for super user and configuration users.
  • GUEST is a sample domain that you can use to get started and experiment with all the functions and public data.
  • SERVPROV is a special domain for use with service providers. Special logic is built-in to provide security for service providers that access Oracle Transportation Management for web tendering. This is the domain that must be used for all service providers.
  • PUBLIC is a global data domain.
  • EBS is a domain that contains some sample templates for business flows for sales orders, purchase order and freight payment integration with E-Business Suite (EBS). For example, there are agents that can be used as samples for creating agents for integrating with EBS. Do not use the existing agents, but copy them and use the copied agents. Also, there are additional shipment statuses: SENT TO EBS and SHIP CONFIRM for EBS integration.
  • E1 is a domain that contains some sample templates for business flows for integration with JD Edwards Enterprise 1 (E1). For example, there are agents that can be used as samples for creating agents for integrating with E1. Do not use the existing agents, but copy them and use the copied agents. Also, there are additional external statuses: SEND TO E1 and SHIP CONFIRM for E1 integration.
  • GLOG, which is not currently used.
  • STAGE, the internal Global Data Domain template.
  • FA, a domain for sample Fusion Application integration. See the Integrating with Oracle Integration Cloud Guide for more details.

For more details, see the Security Guide.

At installation, two preset users are also automatically created: DBA.ADMIN and GUEST.ADMIN. Both preset users have ADMIN user level access privileges, but DBA.ADMIN is a unique user with even greater privileges, such as the ability to add top-level domains and modify Public data.

The passwords for the preset users are available from Technical Support. As soon as possible, log in to the new domain and change the passwords for DBA.ADMIN and GUEST.ADMIN. To change their passwords, use Manage User in the User Manager.

Note: When you change the password of a default user, log out and log in before performing other security functions.

Adding a Subdomain

Subdomains are used to organize data. The concept of a subdomain can overlap with a "lite" domain. A subdomain represents data that is based on the data in a parent domain. For example, you have three customers using Oracle Transportation Management. None of their data should overlap so you create three separate subdomains of your primary domain, one for each of them. These three domains will not share domain-specific data with each other, but they all share the base data that they inherited from the parent domain. You have the option of making the subdomains to be standalone or lite (see below). If you choose a lite domain, then only required data is copied to the subdomains and you must specify a referential domain for them where the common data is to be stored. Using the preceding example, you may choose to make each of the subdomains to be lite domains so that common data, such as statuses, is not duplicated into each subdomain, saving disk space.

Only users with ADMIN user level access can add subdomains to existing domains. As a subset of one or more domains, a subdomain can cross over domains or it can be in a parent/child relationship to a single domain.

A domain can have many subdomains. For example, the domain XYZCO could have subdomains XYZCO\SERVICE_PROVIDERS and XYZCO\CUSTOMERS. Notice the forward slash separating the parent domain from the child subdomain. A Domain Name must abide by the rules for Oracle databases. Only the DBA.ADMIN user can add new top-level domains.

Enter Domain/Subdomain to Add

You may only create domains if you have DBA access. Otherwise you can create subdomains.

  1. Enter a Domain/Subdomain Name. Do not make the name the same as a user name, entry point, or access control list.
  2. Enter a new Password used by the domain administrator that is created as part of the domain. The domain administrator is the ADMIN user that gets automatically created when you add a domain.
  3. Find or create a Default User Role. This field defines the default user role that is automatically assigned to each user added to the domain.
  4. Find or create a Default Document Use Profile.

Creating Lite Domain

If you do not specify a lite domain/reference domain when adding a domain then a standalone domain will be created.

  1. If you want to create a lite domain, select a Reference Domain from the drop-down list.
    1. If you want to create a standalone domain, do not select a reference domain.
  2. Click Add Subdomain.

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