Brokerage and Forwarding

Domain Manager

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Customer Management > Domain.

Domain Management sets up tailored templates for domains when an order is created through integration or manually. The templates used in Domain Management are designed to facilitate fast order entry.

A domain is an entity that enables Freight Forwarders to group individual, but similar customers cutting down on some data entry. Freight Forwarders have many customers that have similar specifications. These customers can share settings with domain templates. The templates are applied when an order is created.

Your domain access dictates what domains you can work with based on your privileges.

Note: Only users with "DBA.ADMIN" or "ADMIN" user roles have rights to create/update domains.

Updating a Domain

  1. Select a Parameter Set for how the domain is to act. A public Parameter Set, called DEFAULT, initially controls all the parameter settings for every domain that is created. However, you can create a new parameter set that can be used to override some/all of the settings in the DEFAULT set. This parameter set is higher in the hierarchy than defining it on user preferences.

    After you create a new Parameter Set, you must use this page to make it active for the domain setting you are editing. Choose a parameter set from the list and click Finished.
  2. The Buyer Template Copy Type and the Customer Template Copy Type specifies how the templates are applied to orders. The options are:
    • Copy if Null (default): Only copies populated fields from the template onto the order if they are null on the order. For instance, if the buyer template has a source and destination location defined on it and the order only has a source location defined, then the buyer template's destination location is copied onto the order. Selecting Copy If Null does not override any pre-defined fields on the order.
    • Do Not Copy: Does not copy any fields from the template onto the new order. For instance, if the buyer template has a source and destination location defined on it and the order only has a source location defined, the buyer template's destination location is not copied onto the order.
    • Replace: Copies all populated fields from the template to the order. For instance, if the buyer template has a source and destination location defined on it, and the order only has a source location defined, then both the buyer template's source and destination locations are copied onto the order. Selecting Replace overrides any pre-defined fields on the order with the buyer template's defined field.
  3. You can enter an Effective and Expiration date.


You have the ability to add charges to a sell shipment based on the actual costs incurred for a particular transaction. These charges can come from a buy shipment or from a job. The Mark-Up section of this page is where you define the rules associated with these charges.

  1. Select the check box Perform Mark-Up Tolerance Check to have Oracle Transportation Management perform checks on whether the additional charges trying to be added to a sell shipment are permitted.
  2. Use either the Percent Mark-Up Above Actual Cost field and/or the Amount Mark-Up Above Actual Cost field to define the tolerance limits of the additional charges.

    The Percent field allows you to enter a percent amount to limit the charges. For example, if you enter 10%, then additional charges added to a sell shipment in excess of 10% compared to the actual costs will not be allowed.

    The Amount field allows you to enter a specific monetary amount to limit the charges. For example, if you enter $500, then additional charges added to a sell shipment in excess of $500 compared to the actual costs will not be allowed.

    If both fields are used, then the tolerance check will run using the stricter of the two.

Domain Template

Create a domain template that you can use each time an order is created within Oracle Transportation Management. To have a domain template available to be applied to an order, you must complete the following:

  1. Enter a Sequence Number for the template. This number determines which active templates are merged first onto an order using integration. Domain template attributes that have a lower sequence number take precedence over an customer template with a higher sequence number. Multiple active domain templates can only happen when creating an order through integration.
  2. Create a Domain Template. A Domain Template is set up like a standard order template except the Template Type on the order is marked as Domain. When using a domain template, Oracle Transportation Management automatically populates the fields that were predefined on the template. For example, the Pickup and Delivery Locations and the details of what is being shipped (line item or ship unit list near the bottom of the page). You can change any of the data that populates from the template.
  3. Select the Data Query Type of Order Release to associated the template to a future order.
  4. Select a Data Source of either User, Integration, or Both to make this template available during order creation. You can only have one template active at a time with the data source of User or Integration.
  5. Select the Active check box to make a domain template available to apply when an order is created. You can only have one template active at a time for each data source selected.

Domain Template Rules:

The rules for using a domain template when orders are coming through integration are:
  • Supports any data query type (not just Order Release). However, other template data has to be entered directly through the database.
  • Data from a domain template can only be merged if the data field from the XML is null or a default value. If there is data already in the data field, the data field will not merge onto the order.
The rules for using a domain template when orders are manually created are:
  • Only supports Order Release Data Query Type.
  • If a Standard, Buyer and Customer template are selected to be merged onto an order, the Customer Template data takes precedence followed by the Buyer Template data (based on buyer template copy type) and then Standard Template data.
  • Parent Data will be merged onto the template while any child data, for instance an involved party, is appended.


For information only. Enter remarks and remark qualifiers that pertain to this domain.

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