Transportation Intelligence

Main Dashboard: Maps

This Maps tab displays the Shipment Count metric spread across different provinces and cities. This regional distribution of the metric is rendered on a map with the aid of different themes that help answer various queries, such as, outgoing shipment count from provinces, count between certain provinces, count between two cities, etc.

The report for this tab is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Main Dashboard/Map Analysis



Theme Usage

Map Column used for Theme Definition


Shipment Count

Shows value of Shipment Count in a province. Province regions are color filled and hovering over a province shows province name and the metric value.

"Shipment Dimensions"."Source Province"


Shipment Count

Shows value of Shipment Count between two provinces as a line joining the two provinces. Value of metric can be seen while hovering over the line.

"Shipment Dimensions"."Province Pair ID"


Shipment Count

Shows value of Shipment Count in a particular city as a bubble where the size of the bubble varies with the metric value.

"Shipment Dimensions"."Source City ID"


Shipment Count

Shows value of Shipment Count between two cities as a line joining the two cities. Value of metric can be seen while hovering over the line.

"Shipment Dimensions"."City Pair ID"


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