Transportation Intelligence

Main Dashboard: Regional Cost Benefits

This Regional Cost Benefits tab displays the KPIs related to key cost details of shipments as applicable to specific regions. The actual value of the KPI is compared against the target value with a two-color gauge showing the status of the comparison.

The report for this tab is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Main Dashboard/Regional Cost Benefits Tab




Threshold (Stop Light) Definition

<RegionName> Order Profit

<RegionName>* order profit as applicable to a particular region

* <RegionName> any one of the following regions: America, Northern Europe, Central Europe, Southern Europe or Asia Pacific

case when ("- Shipment Order Release Targets"."Americas Order Profit Target" is NULL or  "- Shipment Order Release Targets"."Americas Order Profit Target" = 0)  and (FILTER("- Shipment Order Release Facts"."Billed Cost Base" - "- Shipment Order Release Facts"."Vouchered Cost Base" USING ("- Shipment Source Geography Dimensions"."Region" = 'AMERICAS')) is NULL or FILTER("- Shipment Order Release Facts"."Billed Cost Base" - "- Shipment Order Release Facts"."Vouchered Cost Base" USING ("- Shipment Source Geography Dimensions"."Region" = 'AMERICAS'))= 0) then 100 else ("- Shipment Order Release Targets"."Americas Order Profit Target") end

<RegionName> Order Profit Target" <Region Name> Order Profit is greater than 100% of target value then green.

<Region Name> Order Profit is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.


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