Transportation Intelligence

Main Dashboard: Statistics

This report captures the key statistical details related to shipments.

The report for this tab is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Main Dashboard/Statistics Tab

This tab displays the KPIs related to key statistical details of shipments. The actual value of the KPI is compared against the target value with a two-color gauge showing the status of the comparison.




Threshold (Gauge) Definition

Total Weight

Total gross weight of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Total Weight Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Total Weight Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Gross Weight Base" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Gross Weight Base" = 0) then 100 else "- Shipment Targets"."Total Weight Target" end

Total weight is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Total weight is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Total Volume

Total gross volume of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Total Volume Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Total Volume Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Gross Volume Base" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Gross Volume Base" = 0) then 100 else "- Shipment Targets"."Total Volume Target" end

Total volume is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Total volume is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Total Shipments

Total number of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Total Shipments Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Total Shipments Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Shipment Count" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Shipment Count" = 0) then 100   else "- Shipment Targets"."Total Shipments Target" end

Total number of shipments is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Total number of shipments is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Total Distance

Total distance of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Total Distance Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Total Distance Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Planned Distance Base" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Planned Distance Base" = 0) then 100 else "- Shipment Targets"."Total Distance Target" end

Total distance is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Total distance is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Average Weight

Average ratio of total weight

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Average Gross Weight Base Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Average Gross Weight Base Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Average Gross Weight Base" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Average Gross Weight Base" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Targets"."Average Gross Weight Base Target" end

Average weight is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Average weight is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Average Volume

Average ratio of total volume

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Average Gross Volume Base Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Average Gross Volume Base Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Average Gross Volume Base" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Average Gross Volume Base" = 0) then 100 else "- Shipment Targets"."Average Gross Volume Base Target" end

Average volume is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Average volume is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Percent Accessorial Charges

Percentage ratio of total accessorial charges

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Percent Accessorial Charges To Freight Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Percent Accessorial Charges To Freight Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Percent Accessorial Charges to Freight" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Percent Accessorial Charges to Freight" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Targets"."Percent Accessorial Charges To Freight Target" end

Percent accessorial charges are greater than 100% of target value then green.

Percent accessorial charges are less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.


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