Business Process Automation

Creating and Using a Restricted Party Screening Work Queue

A Restricted Party Screening Work Queue is a highly efficient clearing environment for restricted party screening potential match resolution. It enables you to define how work is divided into separate queues for each user to complete. It provides the following capabilities:

  • Works in the same way as the Restricted Party Screening Workbench, but uses work queues to pull parties into the workbench layout instead of a saved query.
  • Provides a configured distribution of work among various users with separate queues assigned to each user.
  • Provides the ability to reclaim work that has been given to specific users and put it back into the primary queue.

You can create a restricted party screening work queue as follows:

  1. Create a saved query.
  2. Create a work queue.
  3. Copy or create your new restricted party screening work queue workbench layout.
  4. Add you new layout to a menu.

Then, you are ready to use your new restricted party screening work queue.

Creating a Saved Query for the Work Queue

In order to create the restricted party screening work queue, you need to first create a saved query for the work queue to use. This example creates the saved query directly in the Parties finder.

  1. Go to Restricted Party Screening > Parties.
  2. Enter the current domain name.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Under Status Value 1, select the following:
    1. RPLS
    3. Same As
  5. Click Save to save this as a saved query.
  6. Enter a Query Name. The query name identifies the saved query and must be unique. The text that you enter is also used as the Saved Query ID.
  7. Click OK. Notice that the newly created query appears in the Saved Query drop down list.
  8. Write down the new saved query ID.

Creating the Work Queue

Next, you define the details of the work queue.

  1. Go to Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Work Queue.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter an ID for the work queue in the Work Queue ID field.
  4. Select an Object Type of Contact.
  5. Enter a Filter Limit of 50. This filter limit value limits the number of records assigned to a specific user.
  6. In the Saved Query ID field, enter the saved query created above that will populate this work queue.
  7. In the Assignment Duration field, enter the number of minutes of 15 for how long an assignment will last. This is only a suggestion. You can use whatever assignment duration makes the most sense for your use case.
  8. From the Domain Name drop-down list select the domain of the person to whom this queue will be assigned.
  9. Click Finished.
  10. Write down the new work queue ID.

Now, you are ready to create a workbench layout.

Copying the Restricted Party Screening Workbench Layout

If you like the look and feel of the Restricted Party Screening Workbench, you can copy it and just the Parties region to use a work queue.

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench
  2. From the Layout drop-down list, select RESTRICTED PARTY SCREENING ENHANCED WORKBENCH | PUBLIC. This is the workbench that ships with GTM.
  3. Click Copy.
  4. Enter a Layout name.
  5. Update the Description.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Above the Parties region, click Edit (the pencil icon).
  8. Change the Population Method to Work Queue.
  9. Select the Default Work Queue that you created above.
  10. Click OK to save the content.

Creating a New Workbench Layout

Or, you can create your own workbench layout.

Creating a New Workbench Layout

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench
  2. Click the Create icon to create a new workbench layout.
  3. Enter a Layout.
  4. Enter a Description.
  5. Select the WORKBENCH DEFAULT Logic Configuration. The list contains Workbench logic configurations. The settings defined in the selected logic configuration determine how the workbench will look and perform.
  6. Select a Layout Format of Super Compact to reduce white space and make your layout more compact. This is only a suggestion. You can use whatever layout format makes the most sense for your layout.
  7. Select a Domain.
  8. Click OK. The blank area surrounded by the dotted line represents your workbench.

Creating the Parties Region

When creating or editing the workbench, several icons appear in the section you are editing:

  1. Click Split Layout Vertically icon (Split Vertically) to create 2 regions.
  2. To add content to the top region, click Enhanced workbench Add Content menu item (Add Content) in the top region.
  3. Select a Component Type of Table.
  4. Select an Object Type of Contact.
  5. Enter a Tab Name of Parties.
  6. Select a Screen Set of GTM_CONTACT_SCREENING_BOARD.
  7. Select a Population Method of Work Queue.
  8. Select the Default Work Queue that you created above.
  9. Click OK to save the content.

Creating the Matched Restricted Parties Tab

Next, you add content to the matched restricted parties region.

  1. To add content to the bottom region, click Enhanced workbench Add Content menu item (Add Content) in the bottom region.
  2. Select a Component Type of Table.
  3. Select an Object Type of Party Matched Restricted Party.
  4. Enter a Tab Name of Matched Restricted Parties.
  5. Select a Screen Set of GTM_PARTY_SCREENING.
  6. Select the Detail Table check box.
  7. Under Associated Master Tables, select a Parties Saved Search of PARTY SCREENING MATCH QUERY.
  8. Click OK to save the content.
  9. When you are finished adding and editing content, click Done at the top of the page to exit edit mode and view the finished layout.


You can set the URLs that appear in the Restricted Party pane Federal Regulation URL column to be working hyperlinks. To do so, set the following properties:

Adding the Layout to a Menu

Once you have created a workbench layout, you can add it to a user-defined menu to use it.

  1. You can limit access to workbench layouts based on the via Configure Workbench User Access. By default, a user has access to all workbench layouts in any domains to which they are granted access via domain grants.
  2. Add the workbench layout to a user-defined menu.
  3. Use Manage User Access to use the menu. This can be managed at the User, Level or User Role levels.

Using the Restricted Party Screening Work Queue

Use the Restricted Party Screening Work Queue to both view and process large numbers of restricted party list screening (RPLS) results. This work queue enables a user to have exclusive access to specific records.

In addition to the enhanced workbench table icons and buttons, you see a row of icons across the top each table. You can use these icons to trigger a variety of actions.

Party Table (Contact object type)

  • Party Requires Review icon (Requires Review): Designates the party record as one that must be reviewed in order to determine status. The RPLS status is set once GTM performs restricted party screening of a party and there are potentially matched restricted parties assigned.
  • Passed icon (Passed): Sets the RPLS status of the selected party record as passed. Usually this status is set (1) if a party is screened and does not have any potentially matched restricted parties assigned or (2) by a user who reviews all the potentially matched restricted parties assigned to a party and does not see a verified match.
  • Failed icon (Failed): Sets the RPLS status of the selected party record as failed. Usually this status is set by a user who reviews all the potentially matched restricted parties assigned to a party and confirms a verified match between the party and a matched restricted party.
  • Escalated icon (Escalated): Marks the selected party record for a closer examination and sets the RPLS status as escalated.
  • Add Comment icon (Add Comment): Opens the Comments on the Contact window where you can add a comment for a specific party.

Matched Restricted Parties Table (Party Matched Restricted Party object type)

  • Potential Match icon (Potential Match): Designates the matched restricted party for a particular party record as one that must be reviewed. The RPLS status is set once GTM performs the restricted party screening of a party and there is a potentially matched restricted party assigned.
  • Not a Match icon (Not a Match): Sets the RPLS status of the matched restricted party for a particular party record as passed. Usually this status is set by a user who reviews the potentially matched restricted party assigned to a party and it is not a verified match.
  • Verified Match icon (Verified Match): Sets the RPLS status of the matched restricted party for a particular party record as failed. Usually this status is set by a user who reviews the potentially matched restricted party assigned to a party and confirms there is a verified match between the party and restricted party.
  • Escalated icon (Escalated): Marks the selected matched restricted party record for a closer examination and sets the RPLS status  of the matched restricted party as escalated.
  • Review Match Factor icon (Review Match Factor): Displays the details for how the match factor is calculated for a specific party and matched restricted party combination.
  • Add Comment icon (Add Comment): Opens the Comments on the Party window where you can add a comment for a specific party and matched restricted party combination.

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