Logistics Network Modeling

Modeling Scenario Actions and SmartLinks

This page is accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario > Actions.

Click Actions to launch the following actions.



Aggregate Scenario Results

Displays the shipment metrics for all the shipments associated to the scenario and shows the aggregate results.

Clear Modeling Scenario Output

This action deletes the output data from the selected modeling scenario. When a scenario planner is run, the scenario planner first deletes any previous bulk plans along with the shipments and any output data associated with the scenario before re-planning. This action does the same, but allows you to launch it manually.

Note that bulk plans which were created by planning this scenario in the past, but do not have a "Modeling Scenario ID" on them will not be deleted.

Compare Modeling Scenario Input

This action gathers all the input data related to the scenarios selected and shows the results in table form so you can compare the changes performed on different scenarios side by side.

Compare Modeling Scenario Result

This action collects all the output data related to the scenarios selected from the last executed bulk plan for each scenario and shows the results in table form so you can compare the changes performed on different scenarios side by side.

Copy Scenario

This copies the modeling scenario along with the modeling scenario data rules and data changes.

Scenario Bulk Plan

This allows you to select a scenario and run the scenario planner for that one scenario. Any previous bulk plans along with the shipments and any output data associated with the scenario will be deleted before re-planning. For existing bulk plans for the selected objects, the Modeling Scenario ID is removed from the older bulk plans. The bulk plans are not deleted.

The following do not run for this action:

  • Map bulk plan result
  • Shipment groups
  • Partial shipment groups
  • Shipments not in shipment group

Scenario Work Assignment Optimization

This action allows you to select scenarios and run the scenario planner based on those scenarios. This action uses the Modeling Scenario Type, Saved Query Type, Saved Query ID provided on the scenario and the resource schedules specified in the parameter set to determine a list of shipments. Work assignments are then planned using those shipments.

Send Data to Analytics

This loads all the relevant data for the selected scenarios to the Logistics Network Modeling Intelligence subject area of the historical database without waiting for the regular push of all data to Logistics Modeling Network Intelligence/analytics. If you rerun your scenarios, you will need to resend the data to analytics.

After the action runs, you see the Send Data to Analytics status table which may include the following information:

  • start time and end time of the current load action,
  • table name,
  • rows deleted,
  • rows added,
  • status,
  • start and end time each table was loaded,
  • error message if there is one, etc.

You may need to click Refresh if the action is not complete before this page was opened. Once all data is loaded, you can view it via Logistics Network Modeling intelligence subject area.

Unload Data from Analytics

This deletes all the relevant data for the selected scenarios from the historical database. This action removes data from the Logistics Network Modeling subject area.

After the action runs, you see the Send Data to Analytics status table which may include the following information:

  • start time and end time of the current unload action,
  • table name,
  • rows deleted,
  • status,
  • start and end time each table was unloaded,
  • error message if there is one, etc.


Right-click on any ID to launch SmartLinks.



Related Modeling Shipment

View the modeling shipments related to this scenario.


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