Configuration and Administration

User Association

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General > User Association.

User association enables the administrator of the domain to create associations between users and either service providers or drivers. Service provider-to-user association is used for online booking/tendering, dispatch level tendering, or using Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application: Carrier User; while driver-to-user association is used for Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application: Driver User.

Note: To create user-to-service provider associations for online booking and tendering and the tendering functionality of the Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application, we recommend you use the Manage Associations page.

Adding a User-to-driver Association

  1. Enter a valid User ID.
  2. Enter a User Association Qualifier of  "DRIVER".
  3. Enter a User Association Value that is a valid driver ID.
  4. Click Finished.

Adding a User-to-service provider Association

  1. Enter a valid User ID.
  2. Enter a User Association Qualifier. This must be either "SERVPROV" or "DISPATCH LOCATION" or this is meaningless.
  3. Enter a User Association Value:
    If you entered SERVPROV for the qualifier in step 2, this must be a valid service provider ID.

    If you entered DISPATCH LOCATION in step 2, this must be a valid location.
  1. Click Finished.

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