Creating Locations through the Interface (UI)

Using the Oracle WMS Cloud “LOC” interface file, you can map the warehouse locations into WMS.

Step 1: Fill out the “LOC” excel file

Fill out all the necessary information into the location interface. Column A defines the location type. Refer to the table below:

Interface Code Location Type
C Consolidation
D Dock
P Drop
S Staging Location
A Active
H Pack and Hold
Y Shipping Location
R Reserve
K Packing Station
T Receiving Station

Step 2: Setting up the parameter for location updates

WMS requires a special parameter to be set before creating location updates in the system (for locations that contain inventory).

  1. Go to the “Facility Parameters” screen.
  2. Set the LOCATION_UPDATES_WITH_INVENTORY parameter to “YES”.

Step 3: Uploading the Interface file into WMS

  1. Go to the “Input Interface” screen.
  2. Use the drop-down to select the appropriate interface to process:
  3. Click on “Upload Files” and navigate to the file you wish to upload.
  4. When the file displays, click “Run Interface”.
  5. The system will return a message dialog notifying you that the file has been successfully processed.