Description of Item fields

  • Style: Represents the Item Code.
  • Parts A through F: Represents the breakdown of parts in a SKU, if applicable. Example: A small blue polo could be represented as:
    • part_a = ‘POLO’
    • part_b = ‘BLUE’
    • part_c = ‘SMALL’.
  • Alternate Item Code: An alternate representation of the SKU, which concatenates parts A through F into a single record.
  • Description: Description of the item.
  • Barcode: The item’s barcode.
  • Putaway Type: Refers to the value used to group similar SKUs together. For example, SKU “LAPTOP” could belong to Putaway Type “ELECTRONICS”. This is a functional field that defines the putaway logic in the “Putaway Priorities” screen.
  • Unit cost: The item’s individual cost.
  • Unit Length/Width/Height/Weight/Volume: Denotes the unit’s dimensions. This field does not store the values in a particular unit of measure. These fields are required for functional purpose such as cubed waving, putaway, and replenishment.
  • Item Line: Not used in WMS.
  • VAS Group Code: If there is a VAS Group Code defined in WMS, this field links the item to a particular set of VAS activities.
  • Hazardous: Used to define an item as hazardous.
  • Pre-Pack Code: For Prepack scenarios, the item also carrys a prepack code, which is a separate record that represents a group of child SKUs. For example, WMS could use a combination of different Polo’s that come in a prepack into a single ‘Prepack’ SKU record.
  • Host Aware Item Flag: Used in Prepack scenarios in determining whether or not the Host is aware of the Prepack item.
  • Is Parent: Used in Prepack scenarios to determine whether the item is a parent SKU. If it is a parent SKU, it will contain a prepack of multiple child SKUs.
  • Dummy SKU Flag: This is a SKU that can be ordered and allocated, but will have unlimited inventory. The SKU will be prompted for during picking. For example, this could be used to grab gift cards to go along with an order
  • Cubiscan Mod Timestamp: Updates the timestamp in which the Item was modified by a cubiscan interface.

Additional Fields (Item Details)

  • Std Case Qty: Defines the standard Case Quantity of an item.
  • Std Case Length/Width/Height/Weight/Volume: Defines the dimensions of a Case.
  • Std Pack Qty: Defines the standard Pack Quantity of an item.
  • Std Pack Length/Width/Height/Weight/Volume: Defines the dimensions of a Pack.
  • Special Code 1 & 2: Informational fields.
  • Product Life: The expected lifespan of an item in DAYS.
  • % Acceptable: The percentage of remaining life required (according to the product life) at receiving.
  • Require Batch Number: Requires an item to have a batch number during receiving.
  • Require Serial Number: For future use only in release 6.3.
  • Conveyable: Used when MHE systems are enabled. Defines whether or not an item is conveyable.
  • Sortable: Used when MHE systems are enabled. Defines whether or not an item is sortable.
  • LPNs per tier:
    • If the “LPN is Pallet” is FALSE, this field defines how many LPNs are in a tier for a given pallet.
    • If the “LPN is Pallet” is TRUE, this field defines how many CASES there are in a pallet tier.
  • Tiers per Pallet: This field defines how many tiers there are in a pallet for this SKU.
Note: “LPNs per tier” and “Tiers per Pallet” fields are used to define the standard number of LPNs acceptable per pallet.
  • If the “LPN is Pallet” is FALSE, the RF only displays a warning message to the you that the maximum number of LPNs has been reached for the pallet (you can override this message).
  • If the “LPN is Pallet” is TRUE, these fields are define the standard pallet quantity of a SKU, given that the “Standard Case Quantity” field is also defined.