FedEx Multi-Piece Shipment Configuration

FedEx supports the grouping of two or more packages during ship requests that are fetching a tracking number. In general, these packages must all use the same service and must all have the same destination, billing information, and accessorials. Multi-Piece Shipment (MPS) users gain added visibility into FedEx shipment tracking and may also be granted better rates for MPS. You should check with your FedEx representative to determine if MPS can be used.

For an MPS shipment, each OBLPN still requires it's own request to FedEx for a tracking number. MPS packages are tied together by a master tracking number. The master tracking number is the tracking number of the first OBLPN manifested in the group. It's tracking number is passed as the master tracking number is each subsequent OBLPN's ship request. Additional information such as the total number of pieces (X of Y) and total shipment weight is required for MPS. Different shipping scenarios such as Dry Ice or International MPS require even more shipment-level information in the request.

IMPORTANT: MPS also requires additional operational work as well as for exception scenarios. Because information pertaining to all OBLPN's in the group must be sent in each OBLPN's request, the final state must be available before any tracking numbers are fetched.

For example, assume a wave cubes an order into three OBLPNs and a FedEx MPS shipment is created and three tracking numbers are fetched. If during packing it is determined that the order requires four OBLPNs, then the entire MPS shipment must be voided (by voiding any of one of the tracking numbers) and all four OBLPNs re-manifested and new tracking numbers and labels obtained. If the MPS group changes, then all information must be updated to FedEx, which requires the fetching of new tracking numbers.

Note: Currently, Oracle WMS Cloud only supports grouping OBLPNs for MPS by a single order.

WMS allows MPS requests during a cubed wave. The wave must be cubed in order to complete MPS as the final OBLPNs must be available.

To configure MPS during a cubed wave, there are two flags:

  • Ship Via UI
  • Wave Template UI

To Manually trigger an MPS request for all OBLPNs associated to an order, select the “Manifest” button on the Order Header View UI.