How to Set-up Scheduled Jobs with Job Types

This document provides details of setting up a Scheduled Job with different Job Types for Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud.

Mandatory Fields

This table lists the Mandatory fields required to run the various scheduled jobs:
Mandatory Fields Required Action from the User
Job Number The job number is automatically created when you save the scheduled job.
Job Type Select the job type.
Schedule Name Enter a name for the schedule job you are creating.
Enable Must be check in order to run
Schedule Type Can be set up to be Interval or Crontab
If set up as Interval You are required to enter Every and Period field.
If set up as Crontab

You are required to enter Minute, Hour, Day of the week, Day of the Month, Month of the year, where:

  • Minute – 1 to 60 seconds
  • Hour - 0-24 hours
  • Day of the week - 0 to 6 (Sunday=0)
  • Day of the month - 1 to 31
  • Month of year - 1 to 12
Note: Crontab field entries should be separated by a comma. Enter an asterisk in the field to indicate daily/monthly/annual jobs.

Crontab Schedule Type Examples

A Crontab Schedule Type with the following setup will run at 12:30 am daily all year:

  • Minute: 30
  • Hour : 0
  • Day of the week: *
  • Day of the month: *
  • Month of year : *

This Crontab Schedule Type will run at 5pm weekly on Mondays:

  • Minute: 0
  • Hour : 17
  • Day of the week: 1
  • Day of the month: *
  • Month of year : *

The Scheduled Job consists of the following different Job Types, which are explained in the following sections:

Extract Job Types

Extract All Job Type

Generating Job Type

Run Job Type


Process Input Files

Calculating Storage Billing by Cube for Locations

Purge Job Type

Auto-Verify IB Shipment