5.4.7 Managing Quick SQL Models and Scripts

Save entered Quick SQL shorthand syntax as a model for future use, or save the generated SQL as a SQL script. Saving a Quick SQL Model

Reuse Quick SQL shorthand syntax by saving a model.

To save a Quick SQL model:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, click the Quick SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and select Save Model for an unsaved model or Update Model for a pre-existing model.
    The Save Model dialog appears.
  2. In the Save Model dialog:
    1. Model Name - Enter a name.
    2. Description - Enter a description for the model.
    3. Click Save Model or Update Model.
    The Model saved message appears. Loading a Saved Quick SQL Model

Load saved Quick SQL models from the Load window.

Developers can view and load their own saved models on the Load window under My Models or all workspace developer models under Workspace Models.

To load a saved Quick SQL model:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, click the Quick SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and select Load .

    The Load windows appears and displays three tabs:

    • Samples
    • My Models
    • Workspace Models
  2. To load a saved model:
    1. Under either My Models or Workspace Models, choose a model.
    2. Click Load Model.
    The selected model appears.
  3. To edit the model name or description, or delete a saved model:
    1. View the Load window.

      On the Quick SQL page, click the Quick SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and select the Load action.

    2. Under either My Models or Workspace Models, choose a model.
    3. Click the model name.
      The Edit Model dialog appears.
    4. Edit the model name or description and click Save.
    5. To delete the model, click Delete. Saving a Quick SQL Model Under a Different Name

Save a Quick SQL model under a different name.

To save a Quick SQL model under a different name:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, click the Quick SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and select Save Model As.
    The Save Model dialog appears.
  2. In the Save Model dialog:
    1. Model Name - Enter a new model name.
    2. Description - (Optional) Enter a description for the model.
    3. Click Save Model.
    The Model saved message appears. Deleting a Quick SQL Model

Delete an existing Quick SQL model with the Save Model dialog.

To delete a model:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, click the Quick SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and click Update Model.
    The Save Model dialog appears.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Delete again in the confirmation dialog.
    The model is deleted. Viewing an Entity Relationship Diagram

View an entity relationship diagram of a data model's tables, columns, datatypes, and relationships.

To view entity relationship diagram of a data model's tables, columns, datatypes, and relationships:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, load a Quick SQL model.
  2. On the right pane, click the Diagram tab.

    The entity relationship diagram appears. Saving a Generated SQL Script

Save generated SQL as a script in SQL Scripts.

To save generated SQL as a script:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, enter Quick SQL shorthand syntax in the left pane.

    The generated SQL displays in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, click the SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and select Save SQL Script .
  3. In the Save Script dialog:
    1. Script Name - Enter a name.
    2. Click Save Script.
      • Script Name - Enter a name.

      • Click Save Script.

    The script is saved in SQL Scripts. Downloading SQL Scripts

Download a generated SQL script locally.

To download a generated SQL script:

  1. On the Quick SQL page, enter Quick SQL shorthand syntax in the left pane.

    The generated SQL displays in the right pane.

  2. Scroll through generated SQL in right pane.

    At the bottom, the line starting with -- Generated by Quick SQL is the SQL shorthand syntax. If you specified any settings they display after the line starting with # settings = . Consider the following example:

    -- Generated by Quick SQL undefined 12/7/2023, 12:20:47 PM
    departments /insert 4
       name /nn
       employees /insert 14
          name /nn vc50
          email /lower
          cost center num
          date hired
          job vc255
    view emp_v departments employees
    --- Non-default options:
    # settings = {"apex":"Y","db":"19c"}
  3. In the right pane, click the SQL Actions menu (three vertical dots) and select Download .