Pre-General Availability: 2018-9-20

Namespace: da




(static) da.handleAjaxErrors(pjqXHR, pTextStatus, pErrorThrown, pResumeCallback)

Name Type Description
pjqXHR ...
pTextStatus ...
pErrorThrown ...
pResumeCallback ...
To Do:
  • Complete doc Error callback called when the Ajax call fails
  • add example

(static) da.resume(pCallback, pErrorOccurred)

Function that resumes execution of dynamic actions. Execution of a dynamic action can be paused, if the action's 'Wait for Result' attribute is checked. 'Wait for Result' is a dynamic action plug-in standard attribute designed for use with Ajax based dynamic actions. If a plug-in exposes this attribute, it will also need to resume execution by calling this function in the relevant place in the plug-in JavaScript code (otherwise your action will break execution of dynamic actions).
Name Type Description
pCallback function Reference to callback function available from the this.resumeCallback property.
pErrorOccurred boolean Indicate to the framework whether an error has occurred. If an error has occurred and the action's 'Stop Execution on Error' attribute is checked, execution of the dynamic action will be stopped.
// Resume execution of the actions, indicating that no error has occurred (for example from a "success"
// callback of an Ajax based action).
apex.da.resume( lResumeCallback, false );
// Resume execution of the actions, indicating that an error has occurred (for example from an "error"
// callback of an Ajax based action). If the action's 'Stop Execution on Error' attribute is checked,
// execution of the dynamic action will be stopped.
apex.da.resume( lResumeCallback, true );